1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMFigure 49. Vehicles assigned primary sectors o responsibility for observationpersonal contact should be main- 20. Securitytained with the vehicle in front.a. General.(7) Maintenance personnel check the me- (1) Secrecy. Secrecy makes a major conchanicalconditionappropriate.of vehicles as tribution to the security of a unit on amarch. All measures are employed to(8) All vehicles move out at the same keep the enemy from learning of thetime after the halt.intention to march or detecting ac. Unit SOP's must prescribe the actions to march once it has begun.be taken when unscheduled halts occur. As aminimum, vehicle commanders make contact(2) Security forces. Security may be pro-vided by a covering force, advance,with the vehicle to their front and commandersflank, and rear guards, or by thetake appropriate action to determine and elimi-relative position of other friendlynate the cause of the halt.forces. For details of security forces,d. Halts for refueling should be scheduled see chapter 5.in advance; this enables march unit com- h. Security Before the March.manders to make definite plans for refueling. (1) Secrecy. Routine operations shoulde. It may be desirable to clear the route of be maintained up to the time of movemarchtemporarily to shorten the column. Whenment, with no apparent increase orthe terrain permits, units do this by coiling decrease in activity. Movement ofup on each side of the route. In an administra-vehicles or units should be kept to ative march, the units are placed so they canminimum and the number and sizeeasily move back onto the road. If tacticalof reconnaissance parties may haveconsiderations govern, the units are placed toto be restricted. Concealment offeredfacilitate movement in the direction of theby darkness is used for unavoidableexpected action.major movements.AGO 91s9A 233

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