1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMtimated requirements to support specific mis- ized and empl!oyed as a unit train or echelonedsions. The air train may be located with the into a combat train and field train as discussedground train or at a predetermined area from for the company/troop train in paragraph 129.which it moves to rendezvous with the combat The air cavalry troop unit or combat train iselements to accomplish supply, maintenance, or normally employed under the control of theevacuation functions. Rendezvous points and service platoon and is located where it can besttimes may be predetermined or the air train support the combat elements of the troop (i.e.,may stand by to rendezvous with the troop air cavalry troop assembly area, squadron comcombatelements on an on-call basisus withbattrains area, or a ground troop combat trainarea). The field train, when organized, norc.Ground Echelon. The air cavalry ground mally becomes part of the squadron field trains.train consists of the organic and attached Air vehicles may return to the train areas forground logistical vehicles and the logistical per- fuel and ammunition supply, or ground vehisonnel,equipment, and supplies not included in cles may be dispatched to rendezvous pointsthe air train. The ground train may be organ- for supply functions.Section VI. EMPLOYMENT OF TRAINS132. General 133. Characteristics of Trains AreasThe major considerations in the employment The desirable characteristics of an assemblyof trains are-area discussed in appendix XXV are applicablea. Logistical Support to the Combat Units. to trains area. Additionally, the trains areaIn all situations, the trains are organized andpositioned to provide adequate and timely supshouldbe convenient to suitable routes to thecombat units, subordinate headquarters trains,plies, medical evacuation, and maintenance and the trains of the higher echelon.support to the combat unit. The trains of thehigher echelons are oriented on and convenient 134. Axis of Supply and Evacuationto the location of subordinate units. The move- a. The axis of supply and evacuation is aments of trains are based on the movements of specified direction or route in relation to anthe combat units to insure continuous and re- axis of advance. zone of operations, or area ofsponsive support.operations to be established for the supply,b. Minimuam Interfere-nce With Tactical 01) evacuation, and transportation of personnelerations. The location and movement of logis- and materiel.tical support vehicles must be integrated with b. The axis of supply and evacuation extendsthe planned location and movement of combat from a logical juncture with the main supplyunits. Logistical activities and vehicular traffic route (MSR) or axis of supply and evacuationmust not impede a combat unit's freedom of of the next higher headquarters to a locationaction.convenient to subordinate elements. In offenc.Security and Protection to Elements of theTrains. Trains should be employed in areassive operations the axis of supply and evacuationmay be projected forward as far as practiandon routes that have been cleared of enemy cal (fig. 8). The axis of supply and evacuationby the combat units. Ideally the area should may be announced in the operation order orother appropriate means and will be changedprovide natural passive protective means suchas barriers, cover, and concealment. Trains by fragmentary order as often as necessary.should be located to take advantage of the pro- c. The headquarters designating the axis oftection afforded by the disposition of combat supply and evacuation is responsible for securunits.In certain situations, it may be neces- ity of the axis.sary to assign combat elements to protect the d. In defensive and retrograde operations,trains.the axis of supply and evacuation should be66 AGO 9139A

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