1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmust not become engaged decisively, bypassed, technique of performing this mission is theor enveloped. The covering force should be same as described in c above.completely mobile, tank heavy, and reinforced e. All elements of the covering force, includwithinfantry, artillery, engineers, and air ve- ing engineers, artillery, and <strong>Army</strong> aviation,hides as required.should be placed under one commander. Theb. When operating as an advance covering covering force commander operates under theforce in an offensive operation, a battalion task direct control of the main body commander.force or reinforced squadron advances with The main body commander specifies the areacompanies/troops abreast to insure complete of operation or the units to be protected.coverage of the area and uncover enemy forces.Enough forces should be retained in reserve to 107. Rear Guardinfluence local actions. The reserve is located a. A rear guard is a security force thatto permit immediate employment to assist in operates to the rear of an advancing or withtheaccomplishment of the mission. When con- drawing force to protect it from enemy surtactwith the enemy is made, tl;3 advance cov- prise attack or annoyance by defeating, deeringforce attacks and destroy or disperses stroying, or delaying the enemy within itsthe enemy. An enemy force may be bypassed capabilities (fig. 7). The rear guard followsif stated in the mission or on order of the the main body at a distance prescribed by thehigher commander. An advance covering force main body commander and usually moves overfor an offensive operation employs the tech- the same route or routes. It is prepared to inniquesof offensive operations (ch. 7).tercept and engage enemy forces that attemptc. A battalion task force or reinforced squad- to attack the rear of main body. If attacked byron may be employed as a covering force for a superior forces, the rear guard employs delaylargerunit conducting a defensive or retro- ing action. It must not permit itself to be bygradeoperation. The distance at which the passed or driven into the main body until thecovering force operates forward of the FEBA main body can take action to cope with theis normally prescribed by higher headquarters. threat. During the advance by the main body,The covering force sector is divided into corn- the rear guard protects the main body trainspany/troop sectors, and the companies/troops and collects stragglers.are deployed to cover their assigned sectors.Observation posts and mobile patrols are es- b. When planning a rear guard operationtablished forward of the blocking positions. the commander considers the following:The blocking positions are located on key ter- (1) Terrain. The commander analyzes therain that dominates likely avenues of enemyterrain in the area of operations andapproach. Normally, a company/troop-size re-selects a series of delaying positionsserve should be retained. Tanks, infantry, ar-along the prescribed route of advancetillery, and engineer elements should be at-or withdrawal. With respect to tertachedto the covering force. When forced torain, the ideal procedure is for thedisplace, the covering force conducts a delayingrear guard to withdraw over routesaction to the FEBA, avoiding decisive engage-used by the forces being protected.ment with the enemy. Every effort must be (2) Organization of the rear guard. Themade to deceive the enemy as to the true loca-commander must determine the sizetion of the friendly dispositions and the FEBA.force to be employed on the initial de-The action of the covering force during thelaying position. If the situation perdefenseis generally the same as for a delayingmits. he may position subordinateaction (ch. 9).units in depth. He assigns a route ord. When employed as a rear covering force routes of withdrawal and designatesto cover a withdrawal or a retirement, the cov-measures to insure effective control,ering force uses the friendly frontline, or awhich may include delay lines, delayposition near it, as its initial position. The positions, phase lines, checkpoints,AGO 9139A 53

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