1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMb. Logistics Officer (S4). The logistics officer(S4) is responsible to the commander for(7) Supervising the technical and tacticaltraining of the medical section.the formulation of logistical policy, and for d. Maintenance Officer. The battalion/planning, coordinating, and supervising the squadron maintenance officer is both speciallogistical effort. The S4 is a logistical operator staff officer and commander of the battalionat this level. His duties are generally as de- maintenance platoon. His duties includescribedfor the G4 in FM 101-5 and include- (1) Keeping the commander and S4 in-(1) Advising and keeping the commander formed of the status of maintenanceinformed on logistical matters.and evacuation of equipment, except(2) Planning, coordinating, and supervis- signal and medical.ing supply, maintenance, and evacua- (2) Recommending to the commander andtion.coordinating with the S4 the compo-(3) Coordinating with the higher head- sition and employment of maintenancequarters on logistical matters.elements.(4) Assisting subordinate commanders (3) Preparing a vehicle evacuation plan,with logistics matters.based on the tactical situation and the(5) Controlling the battalion/squadron plans of the commander, and coordicombattrains,nating this plan with the S4 to insurethat it is in consonance with the over-(6) Submitting logistical reports as di- that it is in consonance with the over-~~~~~~~~~rected. ~alllogistical plan.(4) Efficient operation of the maintenance(7) Accomplishing area damage control facilities of the unit to keep equipplanning.ment in the most efficient operating(8) Preparing paragraph 4 of the opera- condition.tion order.(5) Maintaining liaison with the subordi-(9) Exercising staff supervision over receiving,storing, and issuing supplies.nate elements of the units to insurethat maintenance activities are coorc.Surgeon. The surgeon is both a special dinated.staff officer and commander of the battalion/ (6) Coordinating with higher maintesquadronmedical section. His duties include-nance echelons.(1) Keeping the commander and inter- (7) Supervising the recovery and evacuaestedstaff officers informed of thetion of vehicles from the battlefield.medical situation.(8) Supervising the tactical training of(2) Recommending locations for the aid the maintenance platoon.station, and controlling its operations. (9) Supervising the technical training ofall maintenance personnel, except(3) Preparing a medical plan, based on communication and medical personthetactical situation and the plans ofnel, and monitoring training in vehithecommander, and coordinating thiscle operation and maintenance forplan with the S4 to insure that is itdrivers and crews of the battalion!in consonance with the overall logisti-squadron.cal plan. ~~~~cal plan. ~(10) Procuring repair parts and mainte-(4) Planning for and supervising the nance supplies, except signal andevacuation of casualties to the aidmedical.station and, when required, from thee. Automotive Maintenance Technician. Theaid station to supporting medical in- automotive maintenance technician (a warrantstallations.officer) is the principal assistant to the mainte-(5) Procuring medical supplies. nance officer. In the armored cavalry squadron(6) Supervising preparation of reports on the automotive maintenance technician superandmaintaining records of the sick vises the squadron vehicle maintenance sectionand wounded.of the squadron maintenance platoon.60 AGO 9139A

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