1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMthey may march with the companies/troops,their condition and location reportedcooking en route so that hot meals can beto the supporting maintenance unit.served at prescribed halts or at the end of themarch. If the tactical situation does not per- 138. Logistical Support in Assembly Areasmit serving hot meals en route, small detach- In an assembly area, logistical operations arement rations or combat rations may be used. accomplished in accordance with available timed. Medical Service and Evacuation on the and the tactical situation.March. The battalion/squadron aid station us- a. Supply. In an assembly area, first prioruallymarches near the rear of the formation. ity is given to the supply of ammunition, fuelsHowever, if the situation warrants, it may and lubricants, rations, and water. If time ismarch with the headquarters. The surgeon availableplacesan aid-evacuation team in support ofeach company/troop. The medical aid-evacua-Requests for supplies are submittedtion team, mounted in a frontline ambulance,to the appropriate agency; items tomarches near the rear of the company/troopfill shortaes are drawn and issued.column and is available for the evacuation ofcasualties to the battalion/squadron aid sta- (2) Supplies and equipment are checkedtion. If necessary, ambulances evacuate cas- to determine that prescribed andualties from aid station to the nearest medicalbasic loads are on hand in proper coninstallation.dition.e. Maintenance and Evacuation on the b. Medical Service and Evacuation. Nor-March.mally, personnel receive only first aid medical(1) When a warning order for a march istreatment in the assembly area. Persons rereceived,vehicles that cannot be re- quiring further treatment are evacuated bypaired before the movement are evac- supporting ambulances to the nearest higheruated to the supporting maintenance medical facility.unit. If time does not permit evacua- c. Maintenance. Maximum advantage musttion, or if the vehicles cannot be be taken of the time available in assembly areasmoved, their location and condition to accomplish as much maintenance as possible.are reported to the supporting unit. Drivers and maintenance personnel must real-(2) The maintenance platoon marches ize that after they leave the assembly area, opnearthe rear of the battalion/squad- portunities to perform maintenance will beron formation. Company/troop main- limited. All commanders, vehicle crews, andtenance sections march with their re- maintenance personnel should do everythingspective units,possible to insure efficient operation of equipment.Maximum effort should be devoted to(3) Vehicles disabled en route are movedto the side of the road so they do not maintenance checks and repairs that cannot beinterfere with the passage of the restaccomplished properly during periods of com-bat. Equipment should be inspected, cleaned,of the column. Personnel of the com- and put in the best possible condition. Thepany/troop maintenance section will commander may request assistance from supfirstattempt to repair inoperative ve- porting maintenance units. Materiel that thehides; if unable to repair them, they battalion/squadron cannot repair is evacuatedwill tow them to the destination. Vehi- or turned over, in place, to the supportingcles that cannot be repaired or towed maintenance unit.are left to be repaired or evacuatedby the maintenance platoon. If main- 139. Logistical Support in Fast-Movingtenance or evacuation cannot be ac- Offensive <strong>Operations</strong>complished by the maintenance pla- a. In an exploitation or pursuit, the battalton,vehicles are left with their driv- ion/squadron combat trains move with theers or members of their crews, and battalion/squadron and are usually near theAGO 91D9A 69

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