1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMmission is shown on the overlay ormap, the omission of further writtenministrative details not presented inthe administrative order but affectinginstructions is intentional. If mostthe operation. Subjects appearing inof the instructions to a unit areshown graphically on the operationthis paragraph are arranged in definitesequence, as follows:map or overlay, but one or more of (a) General (including traffic circulatheitems cannot be shown, they aretion plan).written under the subparagraph ofthe unit in the written part of the(b) Supply, beginning with class I,through class V, and miscellaneousorder. If the instructions are mul-supplies, including critical itemstiple, they should be itemized forsuch as allocation of nuclear weapclarityand given a priority of ac-ons and prescribed nuclear loads.complishment, if assigned.(c) Transportation.(h) To use organic or attached units in (d) Services.a command to the maximum, the (e) Evacuation.commander may attach some of his (f) Personnel.subordinate units to others. The(g) Civil affairs.commander receiving the attachment (h) Miscellaneous.commands the attachment as if it (6) Command and signal. Paragraph 5awere one of his own units. He cancontains signal matters and 5b comfurtherattach it to one of his ownmand matters.subordinate units if he desires. In (a) Paragraph 5a, "Signal," should conthepreparation of operation orderstain, as a minimum, a reference tothese attachments are shown bythe index of the signal operation inindention,in the task organization.structions (SOI) to be in effect.For example:Any special instructions relating toA/301st Engr Bnsignal communication, such as in-1/E/301st Engr Bnstructions on radio or pyrotechnicsThis is done so that subordinateor restrictions on the employmentunits may understand clearly theof any means of communication,command structure and how theshould be placed in this subparacommanderis organizing his com-graph.mand for combat. Release from the (b) Paragraph 5b, "Command," mayattachment is implied when a newcontain the location of the commandoperation order is issued assigningpost of the issuing unit and the nextthe attached unit a new mission orhigher unit and may include inshowingit attached to another unit.structions to select and report loca-Attachments in armor units aretions of command posts of subnormallyshown under task organi-ordinate units. The initial locationzation rather than in paragraph 3.of the commander is indicated.(5) Administration and logistics. At bat- d. Ending. The ending of the order consiststalion and company level, paragraph 4 of the acknowledgement instructions, signaturenormally contains necessary informa- of commander, list of annexes (if any), distritionor instructions pertaining to bution, and authentication.trains, messing, supply, and mainte- (1) Acknowledge. Instructions will benance only. At brigade and higher,placed under the final subparagraph ofwhen the information is included inthe body of the order and will not bean administrative order in effect al-given a heading paragraph number, orready or to be issued, paragraph 4 ofsubparagraph letter. Instructions maythe operation order may consist ofonly a reference to the administrativebe acknowledgement instructions orsimply the word "acknowledge." Theorder, together with any special ad-receiver acknowledges, using the mes-262 AGO 9139A

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