1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMcommand-controlled lists through command S4 sends ammunition trucks, containchannels.Requests for class IV items not oning mixed loads of ammunition, fromthese lists are submitted directly to the divisionthe battalion/squadron combat trainssupply office who in turn refers the requests fordirectly to the combat vehicles of theapproval by the division commander. Once companies/troops, tactical situationcommand approval is given, class IV supply ispermitting. After supplying the comaccomplishedgenerally in the same manner asbat vehicles, the trucks return to theclass II. battalion/squadron combat trainsarea. Here, remainders of loads are154. Class V adjusted, and empty trucks are disa.Definition. Class V supplies consist of patched to the battalion/squadronammunition, explosives, and chemical agents, field trains. Empty ammunitionincluding small arms ammunition; grenades; trucks are normally dispatchednuclear ammunition; mortar, tank, and artil- through brigade logistical controllery ammunition; mines and explosives (suchpoints, where they are formed intoas TNT blocks, fuzes, blasting caps, and deto-convoys for movement to the armynators); pyrotechnics; and chemical agentsASP or mobile class V distributingand ammunition. Logistical personnel con- point (if one is established). Aftercerned with the supply of ammunition shouldthe unit ammunition trucks are filled,be familiar with the terms round of ammunithey return to the battalion/squadrontion, required supply rate, available supplyfield trains area; then as, directed byrate, basic load, and special ammunition loadthe unit S4, they either remain in the(SAL), which are defined in AR 320-5. Per-battalion/squadron field trains or aresonnel concerned with supply of chemical, bio-sent forward to join the combatlogical, and nuclear weapons should refer torains.FM 101-31 and FM 9-5.Waterb. Requisitions. Requisitions (transportationorders) are prepared by battalion/squad- Water supply is a function of supportingrons and separate units to replenish their basic engineer units. Water points are established inload. Replenishment of the basic load in an the most convenient locations available conactivesituation may be made concurrent with, sistent with security requirements. Units usinanticipation of, or after expenditure. Trans- ing organic transportation draw water fromportation orders must be validated by the divi- the nearest water point.sion ammunition officer (DAO) before theyare presented at any army supply point or mo- 156. Repair Partsbile class V distributing point.a. Definition. Repair parts are any parts,c. Distribution. assemblies, or components required for the(1) The normal source of class V supply isthe supporting army ammunition supmaintenanceof an end item.b. Stockage.ply point (ASP). When the tactical (1) Fast-moving repair parts are carriedsituation indicates that movement willin each battalion/squadron and sepabeso rapid that the army ASP will rate unit on the basis of a consolidatednot continually be within supporting authorized organizational stockagedistance, the division G4 may requestlist (CAOS) commonly referred to asa mobile ammunition distributing a prescribed load. The prescribed loadpoint from army to operate in themust be kept on hand or on requisidivisionarea.tion and is used in day-to-day mainte-(2) Supply of class V items is accom- nance. Slow-moving repair parts areplished within combat units at everynot stocked in the combat area butopportunity. The battalion/squadronfarther to the rear.AGO 9139A 75

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