1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMAPPENDIX XVNIGHT COMBAT TECHNIQUES1. General audio or visual signals. Preplanned IR, radar,This is appendix a guide for commanders or other electronic signals may be used toand staffs at all echelons for the employment of dentiy units Luminous panels or markersmay be displayed on vehicles according to anight combat techniques. Basically, nightig thBsal oma tcnue mn preplanned procedure. Visible or nonvisibleoperations are conducted in the same mannerflashedaccording to a pras daylight operations. However, in nightoperations the problems of identification, con- arranged pattern as identification. Positivetrol, and coordination are greater; dispersion isidentification should normally be insured byless; and movement is slower. The followingdismounting a representative of the unit orparagraphs discuss the techniques that may be vehicle and requiring him to identify all ele-employed in night operations to overcome those ents of the unit being identified it is ex~~~~~problems. ~tremelyimportant that adequate security isposted to prevent enemy infiltration.2. Identification S. ControlNight identification procedures are based onthe use of night vision equipment and visual, Sce control of a unit during operationsaudio and electronic identification means, under conditions of limited visibility is difficult,Audio identification measures are prescribed techniques to aid in controlling the unit mustin FM 21-75.be developed (pars. 6-10, this app.). Beforeadopting control techniques, the commander3. Personnel Identification must consider the enemy's night vision capabilitiesand the effect these may have on hisIndividuals may be identified through the plans.use of challenge and password, as discussed inFM 21-75, and by the use of visual identifica- 6. Formationtion. Personnel should wear identification ofsome type in night operations. Luminous orControl is facilitated by proper use of for-reflective strips on the rear of helmets may be mations. By retaining the column formationused to designate officers and noncommissioned as long as possible, control of movement isofficers. Luminous or reflective armband may aided. Individuals and units will move withbe used to identify guides. At platoon level minimum dispersion, relying on darkness forthis may be done by using filtered flashlights, cover and position to each other for maintemetascope,sniperscopes, infrared (IR) driving nance of direction and unity. Control is aidedlights, and IR periscopes or telescopes. Other further by designating guide vehicles and unitsmembers of the unit may place a white band on responsible for rate and direction of movementeither arm or both arms, on their packs, or onthe rear part of their web belts. Standardized 7. Preparationouter uniforms are also helpful.a. General. Control over a unit is facilitated4. Unit and Vehicle Identificationby adequate prior training in the use of nightvision equipment. Commanders insure famili-Units may be identified at night through arity of all personnel with the plan, and insureradio communication used in conjunction with maximum reconnaissance by leaders down toAGO 9139A 301

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