1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMc. Engineer. (c) Fixed responsibility for the de-(1) The requirements for engineers by struction of bridges.units in contact with the enemy may (d) Schedule for the destruction ofdictate attachment of engineers tobridges when no longer needed bythem.friendly forces.(2) Engineers provide advice and assist- (e) Covering by fire those obstaclesance in the formulation and imple-that are created by demolition.mentation of obstacles which are used (5) The destruction of bridges is of majorto delay the enemy or to canalize himimportance to the retrograde forceinto areas where he can be destroyedcommander. Care must be exercisedwith fires. Obstacles must be coordi-to insure that bridges are not blownnated with higher headquarters toprematurely or that they are notprevent interference with future op-seized intact by the enemy. Responsierations.bility for blowing bridges in a zone isdelegated to the tactical commander.(3) Under most favorable conditions, sub- delegated to the tactical commander.surface or surface nuclear detonationsdemolitions firing party and amay be employed to create craters anddemolition guard are designated forcontaminated areas that will slow oreach bridge. The guard commanderimpede the enemy's advance. The employmentof such ADM must be auhasthe authority to destroy thebridge, subject to conditions estabthorizedby the higher commander y glist of all units that are to use the(4) Detailed plans are prepared for thebridge is furnished the guard commander.Each unit commander notiuseof demolitions along enemy ave-fies the guard commander when hisnues of approach. Demolitions are unit has cleared. After the main bodyplaced in defiles and on routes tra-has crossed, the majority of theversing natural and artificial obsta-bridges in the zone are destroyed.cles. Demolition plans include-Certain predesignated bridges are left(a) Provisions for placing and firing thefor use by security elements. Whennecessary demolitions.capture of the bridge is imminent, the(b) Adequate guards to prevent prema-demolition guard commander will deturefiring of charges or seizure bystroy it even though all security eleenemyinfiltrators.ments have not crossed.Section III. DELAYING ACTION261. General influence the situation to regain freedom of action.Examples of a unit being engaged decia.A successful delaying action gains maximumtime while surrendering minimum space sively arewithoutthe delaying force becoming engaged (1) When under assault by enemy forcesdecisively or outflanked.of such magnitude that enemy successis insured.b. A unit withdraws from one location to(2) When the enemy can place such effecanotheronly with specific authority of the nexttive fire on friendly unit's position andhigher headquarters.routes of withdrawal as to make themc. A unit is decisively engaged when it loses untenable.freedom of action with regard to the accom- (3) When enemy fires are such that displishmentof its mission and no longer has ormounted troops cannot leave positionscan apply with effect the resources available toto mount their vehicles.130 AGO 9139A

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