1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(5) Based on the decision and the concept, (6) After the order is issued, the comthestaff will complete their planningmander, assisted by his staff, superandprepare necessary orders. The S3vises its ezecution. The staff coordihasprimary staff responsibility fornates with and assists the subordinatethe preparation of the plan. Addi-units where possible.tional details for the operation are (7) The executive officer supervises thefurnished the S3 by unit and specialstaff through the entire planning sestaffofficers as a result of their plan-quence to insure that the proper coorning.The plan will then be presenteddination takes place between staff offitothe commander for his approval.cers, and that the commander's de-After approval, the plan may be is-sires are being followed. By keepingsued to subordinate units to facilitateabreast of the situation, the executivetheir planning or it may be convertedofficer is prepared to assume comintoan order and issued to subordi-mand if necessary.nate units.38 AGO 9139A

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