1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMAPPENDIX XVIITASK ORGANIZATION1. General assist in determining the number and type ofTask organization is the cross attachment of forces to be assigned to a subordinate comunitsto implement the commander's concept of mander. For a discussion of the enemy as aorganization for combat. It is the determina- factor affecting employment, see section II,tion of number and type of units to be placed chapter 2,temporarily under a single commander. In d. Terrain and Weather. Terrain anddetermining organization for combat in his weather affect the combat power of units. Anestimate of the situation, the commander is analysis of these factors is important in deconcernedwith the advantages and disadvan- termining the type of forces to be assigned totages of leading an attack with tank-heavy, a subordinate commander. For a discussion ofinfantry-heavy, balanced, or pure units. Once the factors of terrain and weather, see sectionhe has decided to lead with a tank-heavy unit, II, chapter 2.the task organization must be determined since e. Troops Available. The greatest limiting"tank-heavy" may mean 3 tank and 1 infantry factor to task organization is the restrictionunits, 3 tank and 2 infantry units, or 2 tank and imposed by the number, type, and combat1 infantry unit. For examples of task organ- effectiveness of units available. All aspectsizations see FM 17-15 and FM 17-30.must be analyzed, including the number andtype of units and their capabilities, their state2. Organization of training, maintenance, status of supply,Task organization is determined from an present locations and missions, recent activities,analysis of the factors of METT and the com- and contemplated future requirements. Themander's decision. Although the factors of personalities of commanders is also a considera-METT are discussed separately below, it must tion. For further discussion of troops available,be remembered that they are interrelated in see section II, chapter 2.terms of the mission.3. Source of Unitsa. Decision. a. The Decision.task organization must As a technique, task organization (includingsatisfy the commander's satisfy the commander'sneeds as expressed inunit designations) will be stated in the operahisdecision on organization for combat. tion order (app. VI). However, wheneverb. Mission. The anticipated mission and possible, subordinate commanders should betasks of the unit to be organized must be con- asked to furnish the designation of their elesidered.The subordinate commander will be ments to be detached. For example, the batassignedsufficient combat power to accomplish talion S3 determines that Company A willhis mission. A useful technique is to visualize furnish one platoon to another company. Thethe employment of elements in accomplishing S3 should, if time permits, ask the commanderthe mission, which should allow a fair estimate of Company A which platoon he desires toof the number of elements required. For a detach. The commander of Company A willdiscussion of mission as a factor affecting em- furnish the platoon best suited for the task.ployment, see section II, chapter 2.c. Enemy. The effectiveness of the enemy is 4. Changes to Task Organizationbased on his strength, composition, disposition, Task organization, if changed during theand location. An analysis of these conditions conduct of operations, is more strongly in-AGO 9139A 317317

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