1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMb. Personnel Daily Summary (PDS) (FM mitted electrically). The report serves as an101-5). This request provides a detailed sum- automatic requisition when authorized by fieldmary of an organization's personnel status as army; therefore a loss is to be reported onceof the time of submission and is forwarded only.daily by battalion-level units as directed. The f. Combat Vehicle Daily Status Report (FMPDS is prepared from information received in 101-5). This report is submitted by battalion-STATREP's from subordinate units and from level units daily and reflects the detailed statusother sources (S3 for task organization, etc.). of combat vehicles. It is normally prepared byc. Morning Report (DA Form 1) (AR 335- the S4 from information received in lower60). The morning report is normally prepared unit's STATREP's and from the maintenanceunder tactical conditions by personnel services officer.elements of the division, separate brigade, g. Periodic Logistics Report (FM 101-5).group, or regiment. Information for the morn- This report is submitted as required by batingreport is obtained from a feeder report talion and higher-level units covering in detailsubmitted daily by each company-size unit. the status of all categories of logistics in thed. Casualty Report (DA Form 1154) (AR unit. It is normally required of a unit upon600-65). The casualty report is prepared by attachment to a new headquarters.personnel services elements from data furn- h. Special Logistics Reports. These are oneishedon DA Form 1156 (Casualty Report time reports forwarded as directed giving de-Feeder Report) substantiated as required by tailed information of a specific category ofDA Form 1155 (Witness Statement). Forms logistics or type of equipment.1155 and 1156 are completed as soon as possibleafter the incident. They are normally pre- 6. <strong>War</strong>ningspared by the squad leader or tank commanderand witnesses.<strong>War</strong>nings are messages giving informationof an impending threat or dangerous condition.e. Daily Battle Loss Equipment Report. ThisThey must be disseminated rapidly to higher,periodic report is prepared by the S4 at battalionor comparable level using informationfrom STATREP's of subordinate elements andlower, and adjacent elements. Prearrangedwarning messages giving only essential inforfromthe supply, maintenance, and communica- mation provide the most rapid means of distionofficers. It is submitted as directed and semination and contribute to complete underreportsthe loss of major or critical items of standing. The SPOTREP report and some ofequipment. The best method of reporting is the CBR reports (par. 3) are suitable for useby TOE line item number (encoded if trans- as warnings in appropriate situations.226 AGO 9139A

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