1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(c) Should have good routes of supply. f. Delaying Actions. In a delaying action,Note. Alternate and supplemental posi- the support squad is employed using the techtionsshould be prepared.niques outlined in paragraph 25, this appendix.(2) Support squad as part of provisional Firing positions selected shouldplatoon.The troop commander em- (1) Provide for taking the enemy underploys the support squads as a pro-fire at maximum range.visional platoon when the situation (2) Have a good route of withdrawal forpermits, applying the tactics andrapid displacement to the rear.techniques outlined in FM 23-92.(3) Be in rear of the squad's parentplatoon.Section VI. MECHANIZED INFANTRY WEAPONS39. General tank role. The antitank platoon is the commander'sprimary organic antitank means.<strong>Armor</strong> operations envisage the employmentof combined arms forces at brigade, task force, d. (1) In the attack antitank weapons mayand team level. Tank commanders at the taskbe employed well forward or in depthforce and team level can expect the attachmentto add to the battalion antitank capaofmechanized infantry. Thus, the tank bat-bility. The battalion commander contalioncommander and the tank company com-siders the factors of METT in demandermust have a general understandingtermining where and how the weaponsand appreciation of the organic fire support will be employed. He may attach 1weapons of the mechanized infantry battalion or more squads to 1 or more unitsand company. The primary fire support and retain the remainder of the plaweaponsorganic to the mechanized infantrytoon in general support or he maybattalion are found in the mortar and Davyhold the entire platoon in general sup-Crockett platoon and the antitank platoon. Atport to be available for use wherecompany level, the 81-mm mortars and thearmor threats develop.106-recoilless rifle of the antitank section arethe primary fire support means.(2) In movements to contact or when theenemy situation is vague, the commanderretains the major part of the40. Antitank Platoon platoon in general support for flexia.The primary mission of the platoon is to bility in employment.provide antitank support for the battalion. Its (3) Security elements, such as flank orsecondary mission is to provide fire support forrear guards or screening forces, maythe rifle companies of the battalion.have one or more squads attached.b. The platoon is capable of providing anti- e. In the defense and retrograde, squads oftank support and fire support for the battalion the antitank platoon are located generallyin several tactical roles. Depending on the where they can destroy enemy armor forwardoperation plan, the platoon may be employed of the battle area and provide antitank defensein a general support, direct support, or at- in depth. When practicable, squads aretached role. The platoon's mobility and corn- mutually supporting. When antitank weaponsmunication enable it or elements of it to re- are employed in the area of a forward riflespond rapidly to tank threats throughout the company to cover a tank approach of primaryconcern to that company, they are usually atbattalionarea. tached. The employment of other antitankc. The platoon's primary target is enemy weapons is integrated to provide the best possiarmor.It may engage bunkers, observation ble antitank defense.posts, vehicles, crew-served weapons, grouped f. For detailed organization and employmentenemy personnel, and other similar targets, of the antitank platoon, see appendix II, FMprovided this dues not interfere with its anti- 7-20.AGO 9139A 297

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