1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMfering with the advance. Because of trating forces and to coordinate firesits restrictive nature, a direction ofand movement during the infiltration.attack should begin and extend where (2) Characteristics.only this form of control is essential (a) Delineated by boundaries.to the overall plan.(b) Of sufficient width to permit the(5) Overlay Technique. Arrow drawn to infiltrating force to move by stealth.indicate the direction of attack.(c) Avoids enemy locations.Ezample.(3) Assignment. The commander orderingthe infiltration assigns the infiltrationline.(4) Control. Infiltrating units stay in theinfiltration lane unless ordered out ofit. During the infiltration, units mustd. Route of Advance.coordinate fires into the infiltrationlane with the commander conducting(1) Purpose. A route of advance is the infiltration.selected for a flank guard to delineate (5) Overlay technique.the specific route to be followed in thesecurity mission. The route of advanceExample.is used in flank guard missions.(2) Characteristics.(a) Follows well-defined terrain featuressuch as a road or ridgeline.(b) Should be interior to, and permitE/ \rapid access to, proposed blockingpositions. /(c) Be located far enough from theforce being secured to avoid interferencewith the movement of theforce, but close enough to permit 2/1the flank guard to secure the areabetween the main force and theroute of advance.(3) Assignment. The commander assign- 10. Phase Lineing the flank guard mission or the a. Purpose. Phase lines are used by the corncommanderof the flank guard assigns mander as a reference when he issues orders orthe route of advance.receives reports, to delineate an area, to facili-(4) Control. A flank guard assigned a tate maintaining or changing a formation, androute of advance moves along that when regaining control of temporarily separoute.The flank guard clears the route rated units. Phase lines are employed whereverenough to permit its own movement, the commander desires to orient and control his(5) Overlay Technique. forces, such as-Example.(1) Where it is visualized a penetrationwill be concluded.ROUTE OF ADVANCE (2) On a difficult obstacle.(3) In conjunction with an axis of advanceor zone of action covering great distanceswhen units may requiree. Infiltration Lane. reorientation.(1) Purpose. The infiltration lane is used (4) Immediately before a coordinated astoprescribe routes to be used by infil-sault of the objective.276 AGO 3139A

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