1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMcles used in the command post and in ation. The command post is capable of operathefacilities supporting the command tion on the move; however, its efficiency ispost. Drainage must be considered reduced. Often when the command group issince inclement weather may change operating, it can maintain communication andradically an otherwise satisfactory control while the main part of the commandarea.post moves. When the command group is not(6) Space. The command post must pro- operating as such, a quartering party consistvidesufficient space for adequate dis- ing of S1, S2, and S3 representatives with compersionof vehicles and facilities. munication facilities may move to the new com-(7) Displacement. In offensive action, the mand post location and establish communicacommandpost should be located close tion and conduct operations while the commandto the forward elements, primarily to post moves. In any event the CP does not closeinsure good communication and pre- down.clude immediate displacement. Inretrograde movements, the command 3- Command Grouppost is located back to the rearward a. A command group is a command and conlimitof communication, to avoid in- trol facility, consisting of the commander andvolvement with the advancing enemy selected staff officers, signal means, and a seandto preclude frequent displace- curity detachment. This group enables thements as friendly elements move back. commander to operate away from his commandc. Arrangement of the Command Post. The post to obtain personal knowledge of the situacommandpost is arranged to facilitate work, tion, exercise personal leadership, and closelyfoster security, permit concealment, and permit control the operation during critical periods.rapid and orderly exit. Units normally establish b. There is no prescribed location for thean SOP for the interior arrangement of the command group. The situation and the comcommandpost. The message center, located near mander's personal desires affect the location.the entrance, provides an information center However, communication must be maintainedand is convenient to messengers. A dismount with subordinate commanders and the compointwith parking area near the entrance pre- mand post at all times.vents vehicles from moving through the com- c. Whether the commander uses the commandpost. The operations center is located a mand group will depend upon his personalityshort distance from the dismount point. The and the situation. His means of transportationcommanding officer, executive officer, SI, S4, will vary with the situation and his personaland liaison officers are located near the opera- desires. The brigade commander has a choicetions center. Mess and maintenance facilities of helicopter, ¼-ton truck, personnel carrier,are grouped together, away from the opera- and, if the need arises, tanks, which can betions center, so that vehicle movement is kept obtained from a subordinate armor unit. Theaway from the main part of the command post. battalion commander has a choice of /4-tonFigure 38 is a schematic diagram of the corn- truck, tank, or personnel carrier, or helicoptermand post.if available from higher headquarters.d. Movement of the Command Post. Move- d. The command groups depicted in figuresment of the command post should be planned to 39 and 40 are examples only of command groupscause minimum interference with normal oper- and possible locations.208 AGO 9189A

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