1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMfunctions of special staff officers who are notpresent in the battalion staff, such as the ad-(b) Maintenance of records on militaryjustice procedures and assistance injutant general, inspector general, staff judgethe review of courts-martial proadvocate,provost marshal, and special servicesceedings from an administrativeofficer. His major areas of responsibility forviewpoint.staff supervision are-(5) Headquarters management to include(1) Maintenance of unit strength to in- but not limited toeludebut not limited to-(a) Operation of the headquarters com-(a) Preparation of loss estimates. munication control, distribution(b) Maintenance of personnel recordscenters, and messenger service.and reports reflecting the status ofpersonnel matters in the command.(c) Obtaining replacements (unit andmandmandpostpostand establishmentandofestablishment of aindividual) and arranging for theirguideguideitsitsoperation.reception, processing, assignment,operation.and quartering.(c) Assignment of shelter and quarter-(2) Personnel management to include butnot limited toingareas.(6) Miscellaneous. The S1 is responsible(a) Classification, including promotion,for all administrative matters not asdemotion,and awarding and chang-signed another staff officer.ing of MOS's.d. The Sergeant Major.(1) The sergeant major is the senior nonment,transfer,commissioned officer in the battalion.sitioning of personnel.He acts as the commander's repre-(c) Reenlistment.sentative in dealing with other non-(d) Preparation and processing of re-commissioned officers, and is his nonports(b) Assignment, includingreportingreassignandrequiwar.on casualties and prisoners ofcommissioned officer adviser in enlistedpersonnel matters. He establishes di-(e) Administration of civilian employ-rect contact with the first sergeants,ees operating with the battalion orpersonnel staff noncommissioned offiinthe battalion area.cer of organic units, and first ser-(f) Arrangements for the collection andgeants of attached units. He holdsevacuation of prisoners of war inperiodic meetings with them to discoordinationwith the S2 and S4.seminate information and instructions(3) Development and maintenance of mo- from the battalion commander. Herale to include but not limited to-assists in inspections of activities as(a) Personnel services, including leavesprescribed by the commander. He acofabsence, awards, and decorations.companies the commander on visits(b) Operation of the battalion postaland at ceremonies.service.(2) Other duties and functions of the ser-(c) Recovery and disposition of the geant major are discussed in FM 17-dead.30, paragraph 12b(9).(d) Coordination of recreation for battalionpersonnel and evaluation of e. The Intelligence Officer (S2). The S2 hasmorale,staff responsibility for intelligence matters. His(4) Maintenance of discipline, law and or- duties are similar to those of the G2 (FM 101-der to include but not limited to- 5). He keeps the commander, staff, subordi-(a) Recommendations to the commander nate units, and all other interested agenciesmeasures that will maintain or im- fully informed of the enemy situation and capaprovediscipline within the bat- bilities, and terrain and weather. Among histalion.duties, he-32 AGO 9139A

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