1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(FAC) is furnished the unit by theperformed by this officer and hisair Force (pars. 290-295).section.2. The battalion task force S3 airrepresents the battalion staff on this(b) When the fire support coordinatorat brigade receives the fire plansfire support coordination team. Heformulates and prepares the air firefrom the battalion task forces, heintegrates them into the fire plansplan to support the battalion taskto support the brigade. Based onforce.the fire plans received from the bat-3. The 4.2-inch mortar and Davy talion task forces and on the brigadeCrockett (DC) platoon leader adviseson the employment of thecommander's guidance for employ-ment of all available fire support,Davy Crockett and 4.2-inch mortars.the liaison officer formulates andHe prepares the mortar fire plan forprepares the fire support plan andthe battalion task force.the artillery fire plan to support the(f) In a battalion-size task force, thebrigade. He is assisted by the forfiresupport coordination personnelward air controller with the brigadewill not be present at the commandand the brigade S3 air. Their dutiespost at all times, because they haveare the same as outlined at batdutieswhich must be performedtalion/task force level.elsewhere. During the planning (c) When the fire support plan for thephase of an operation, these officersbrigade is completed, it is sent toget together informally to solve anythe S3 of the supporting artilleryproblems of fire support that arise.battalion, who makes final changes(3) Brigade. At brigade level, the sup- and additions. After completion, itporting artillery battalion commandermust be approved by the brigadeis the fire support coordinator for thecommander; it is then sent to thebrigade. He makes recommendationsdivision artillery S3 who integrateson the employment of his battalion,it into the division fire support plan,and on the basis of the commander'swhich is issued as an annex to thedecision, coordinates and integratesdivision operation order.the various fire plans to support thebrigade.278. Fire Support Control Measures(a) In the absence of the supportingartillery commanders, the artilleryCertain control measures must be establishedto protect the safety of friendly troops and toliaison officers at brigade acts as the permit maximum support with minimum refiresupport coordinator. In actual strictions. All of the control measures are estabpractice,a large portion of the de- lished in coordination with the supported comtailedwork of coordination will be mander (app. X).Section III. ARMY AVIATION279. General cies. This timely information enhances the<strong>Army</strong> aviation enhances the mobility, versa- ability of the commander to fully exploit thetility, and combat efficiency of ground combatforces. The air vehicle provides the commandermobility, shock effect, and firepower of armorunitsunitsatatthethetimetimeandandplaceplaceofofhishischoosingchoosingthe capability to move rapidly throughout the (FM 1-5, FM 1-15, FM 1-100, and FM 57-35).area of operation to influence critical actions byhis personal presence. Properly employed, the 280. Brigade Aviation Sectionair vehicle and aviation units can provide timely The brigade aviation section provides armedinformation of the enemy and area of operation air vehicles to facilitate command and controlthat may not be available through other agen- and provide air reconnaissance and liaison forAGO 9139A 145

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