1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMare engaged as they are detected. Use of airobservers permits full use of the range char-acteristics of the system.frontages incident to delaying actions. Firesare planned to subject the enemy to attack atmaximum ranges and targets of opportunitySection V. ARMORED CAVALRY OPERATIONS37. Davy Crockett rate with those of the weapons system.36. General security forces. Targets of opportunityare engaged as they are de-The basic principles set forth in previous tunity are eng they are desectionsare applicable to Davy Crockett secreachingteted to positions preventsothecloseenemyto friendly fromtions and the 4.2-inch mortars of the supportelements that troop safety considerasquadsfound in armored cavalry units. Thistion preclude firing of concentrations.section prescribes techniques peculiar to Air observers should be used to extendarmored cavalry operations.observation out of ranges commensu-a. General. The Davy Crockett teams are 38. Support Squad (4.2-Inch Mortar),normally placed in direct support of troops of Offense, Defense, and Retrogradethe squadron because of the extended distancesin armored cavalry operations; however, theymay be employed in general support when the (1) This support squad, armored cavalryrequired fire support can be provided by thisplatoon, can be employed in two basicmethod.ways-(a) Normally in support of the parentb. Support of Different <strong>Operations</strong>. Para- platoongraphs 31 through 35, this appendix, are applicableto the Davy Crockett section in support oftoon.economy of force offensive, defensive, andretrograde operations by an armored cavalry (2) When employed as a provisional plasquadron.toon it is under control of the troopcommander and supports the entirec. Reconnaissance <strong>Operations</strong>. Davy Crockett troop.weapons are used in reconnaissance operations(3) Regardlesswhen firesof the methodfrom artillery,used, themortars, and tankguns are not sufficient. When firepower of theand accuracy during operation andmagnitude inherent in Davy Crockett weaponsand it must be consantis required in the accomplishment of the squad-ready to provide fire support.ron or troop missions, fires are delivered employingtechniques described for the engage- b. General Snpport of tie Parent Platoon.ment of targets of opportunity (pars. 33 and (1) The platoon leader will control the35, this app.). support squad by designating itsd. Security <strong>Operations</strong>. initial position or its place in formation,target areas,(1) The Davy Crockett sectionand displacementsupports tion, target areas, and displacementits parent squadron in the conduct ofinstructions in his operation order.security operations by applying theAfter the operation begins he willcontrol the squad by radio. The squadprinciples and techniques prescribedleader must monitor the platoon netin paragraphs 31 through 35, this apconstantlyto stay abreast of thependix, and in FM 23-20.situation. From these situation re-(2) Davy Crockett teams will usually be ports he must be able to anticipate theplaced in direct support of armoredfire requests he will receive and posicavalrytroops. Fires are planned totion his squad to support the platoon.support defense of blocking positionsThis will relieve the platoon leader ofand limited offensive action of theconstant supervision of the squad, butAGO 9139A 295

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