1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMAPPENDIX IVSTAFF RECORDS1. Staff Journal b. As the worksheet is a temporary record,The staff journal is the official, permanent, when action is completed on an item, the entrychronological record of events, information, can be lined out. When a worksheet is filled, itand operations of the staff section during astated period, normally 24 hours. It is an index 3. Sources of Informationof reports and messages that have been receivedand transmitted and of important Sources of information for the worksheetevents that have occurred. It serves as a may be messages, telephone conversations,chronological file, enabling all interested par- journal entries, conferences with the comtiesto locate a message or data on an event mander and staff officers, and informationquickly and easily. Journals are permanent developed by the staff officers' conclusions,records and will be disposed of in accordance opinions, ideas, and inspections. When inforwithAR 345-250. The journal is normally mation is obtained from the journal, the jourclosedat 2400 hours and opened at 0001 hours nal item number of the item is entered in thedaily during combat; however, it can be opened worksheet preceded by the letter J to indicateand closed at the beginning and end of periods that the information has been recorded in theof combat (fig. 41).journal.2. Staff Section Worksheet 4. Usesa. A staff section worksheet is a temporary The worksheet provides the staff officer withrecord (fig. 42) consisting of a pad or looseleaf a ready reference for information to assist innotebook in which the staff officer enters infor- preparation of estimates, plans, orders, andmation classified according to subjects in which reports. Constant review of the worksheet mayhe has a staff interest. When so arranged, it reveal problems that require further evaluationserves as a checklist or reminder of the types and coordination. It provides a source of inforofinformation that should be recorded as well mation for the policy file. There is no preasproviding a place to record it.scribed form for a worksheet.AGO 9139A 217

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