1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMfacilities and less heavily engagedform a covering force to assist forunitsare withdrawn first,ward units to break contact and to(4) If a subordinate unit becomes deci- conduct a delaying action after withsivelyengaged, the next higher cornmandermay use unengaged units ordrawal of the forward forces. Seechapter 5 for a discussion of the covunitsthat can be easily withdrawn,ering force.and fires to assist in the withdrawal (2) Brigade reserves may be used to supofengaged elements.port by fire the withdrawal of forwardunits, conduct limited objectiveb. Reserve or Part of a Reserve. counterattacks, or other offensive(1) The division reserve normally will action.Section V. RETIREMENT269. Planning c. Appropriate control measures are used toinsure that the retirement is conducted as aa. In a retirement, the force is organized coordinated operationinto a main force and security forces in a mannerinverse to that employed in the advance to 270. Conduct of the Retirementcontact.a. When the retirement is preceded by ab. In the initial stage of a retirement, con- withdrawal, the rear guard is formed from thetrol may be decentralized. However, plans pro- security force left in contact.vide for centralized control as soon as the situa- b. For the conduct of a tactical march, seetion permits. Normally centralized control is appendix VI.effected very early in this operation as com- c. For the conduct of the advance, flank, andpared to the delay or withdrawal. rear guards, see chapter 5.Section VI. WITHDRAWAL THROUGH A REARWARD POSITION271. General (2) Responsibility for control of the sector.Responsibility must be passed from<strong>Armor</strong> operations may involve many actionsthe withdrawing force to the forces onthat require men or units to withdraw througheea rearward position. The following general position at a time and place mutuallyconsiderations pertain to such actions as withdrawingan outpost; return of patrols or (3) Troop density. Withdrawing units usearmored cavalry units to friendly positions;multiple routes through the depth oftermination of a covering force mission; orthe positions and avoid the use of asduringa delaying action on alternate positions.sembly areas or other halts within theposition. Withdrawing forces nor-272. Considerations mally have priority on roads. Fuelingareas may be selected in rear of thea. Commanders and troops involved must be areas may be selected in rear of thefamiliar with the details of the plan. Fires mustfriendly frontline units to providebe coordinated. Direct and indirect fires maybe required to assist the withdrawal.(4) Traffic control. Orders must specifyb. The commanders of the withdrawing force which commander has responsibilityand the forces on position are concerned with-for traffic control in the forward area.(1) Mutual cooperation and coordination. (5) Control measures. Stringent control isNeither commander exercises com-necessary for a smooth withdrawalmand over the other but each forcethrough a rearward position. Measmaysupport the other by fire andures by which the operation will bemaneuver.controlled are prescribed by the higherAGO 9139A 139

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