1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(1) Units may be attached to a brigade directives from higher headquarters. The diorbattalion landing team for the rectives are based on the overall plans for thelanding and assault of the beach. operation and previous usage factors. Ex-(2) Units may remain under command amples of planning considerations that must beof the armor unit commander until studied carefully to determine the means ofthey have landed. Attachments to logistic support for armor units areaccomplishtask organization may be- (1) Duration of the operation.come effective upon landing or as (2) Shipping available.stated in orders.(3) Type of operation.(4) Estimated date of arrival of supply372. Embarkation Plans shipping.a. The need for large-capacity landing craft (5) Method and means of unloading.and ships and the time required in loading and (6) Size of the objective.unloading tanks demand detailed planning for b. During the planning phase, decisions arethe embarkation and subsequent landing. The made that permit the S4 to procure suppliestype and number of tank-landing craft and and equipment required for the training period,landing ships required is determned by the embarkation phase, and initial phases of theanticipated tactical employment of the unit. actual operation.The selection of tank shipping and landingcraft, therefore, is governed by several factors, c. Fuel, ammunition, rations, repair parts,including the scheme of maneuver, character- and special supplies and equipment are obisticsof the beaches, and presence or absence tained. This includes waterproofing equipment,of offshore obstacles. When possible, tactical cold weather equipment and clothing, specialconsiderations govern the planned use of ship- type munitions such as flamethrower fuel, andping. However, the shipping available will tank accessories or attachments. Units carryseldom support the desired tactical plan without repair parts based on replenishment rates. Itadjustment to the tactical plan.is important that minimum supplies to fill basicrequirements be carried. An important conb.When shipping assignments have been sideration is replacement of vehicle losses. Itmade, tentative ship loading plans (forms) are is not desirable for a combat unit to carry itsprepared by unit embarkation officers and are own replacement vehicles. Replacement of comsubmittedto the commanding officer of the ship bat losses is normally the responsibility of thefor approval. When approved, they constitute command element conducting the overall operathefinal loading plans and govern the loading tionof the ship. Changes are made only with approvalprova l theofofnd commandingthe commandingofficerofficerof troopsof the shipcond.provideRegardlessfor placementof the landingof suppliesplan,whereplans musttheyrand the commanding officer of troops concerned.will beDisagreementsavailable when required.are referredFloatingto next dumps and beach dumps are methods of prohigherlevel of command for resolution. viding supplies. Liaison with ap priateviding supplies. Liaison with appropriatec. Detailed information of embarkation logistic agencies afloat and ashore should beplanning is contained in FM 60-30.effected early to insure availability of suppliesashore.373. Administrative and Logistics Plansa. The logistics plan for armor units in an 374. Shippingamphibious operation is based on the unit's The type of shipping to which armor unitstactical plan and the logistics plans of higher are assigned affects their availability for landechelons.There is no steadfast rule by which ing to support the tactical plan. Shipping suitplannerscan decide the supplies units will able for landing tanks consists of two generalcarry and the supplies that higher echelons will categories, landing ships and landing craft.provide. Decisions as to the equipment and Each type of landing ship has several classessupplies each echelon will carry are issued in of construction, and ships differ in their capa-AGO 9139A 189

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