1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMor feature, they will not be inclosed in paren- be put into annexes to preserve brevity, clarity,theses.and simplicity in the body of an order.q. Orders giving missions for subordinateunits should prescribe only those details or(1) When information that is used toamplify a plan or order is limited inmethods of execution that are necessary to in-application to the command as a whole,sure that the actions of the subordinate unit or is primarily technical in nature, itwill conform to the plan of operation for themay be included in an annex.force as a whole. A commander does not charge (2) Annexes are separate documents atsubordinatecommanders with decisions thattached to and forming a part of comarehis responsibility, nor does he trespass onplete plans and orders. Informationtheir initiative by prescribing details of execu-given already in a plan or order needtion that lie within their province. See para-not be repeated in an annex. (Formsgraphs 43 through 47 for a discussion of this or checklists for most types of annexesguidance. are found in FM 101-5).6. Operation Overlays and(3) Annexes are issued to all units oragencies whose actions are affected byOverlay-Type Orders the annexes. Unless there is gooda. An operation map or operation overlaycomplements the oral or written order. It proreasonto the contrary, such as se-curity, each copy of a plan or order ismotes clarity, accuracy, and brevity by convey-issued complete with all annexes.ing information and instructions graphically. (4) Even when accompanied by annexes,It contains instructions for coordination, in-the order itself should contain all includingassembly areas, location of commandformation essential to the effectiveposts, lines of departure, time of attack, axes ofemployment of the elements of theadvance, boundaries, nuclear safety lines, phase command. Staff officers and sublines,objectives, and bomblines. Other instruc-ordinate commanders should not havetions and information that can be shown graph-to read and digest an entire annex toically may be included (fig. 59).determine the basic organization andb. An operation overlay is prepared to por- employment of a single arm.tray graphically those instructions that can be (5) Maps, sketches, or overlays are usedrepresented pictorially by the use of conven- frequently as annexes. When thetional symbols. If the written part of the orderwritten part of a plan or order isis brief, it is preferable to write it on the over-placed directly on a map or overlay,lay (overlay-type operation order). If the the map or overlay then becomes thewritten part of the order is long, it may beplan or order, and is not an annex.written on separate paper, and instructions that (6) Annexes are prepared by appropriatecan be portrayed graphically may be placed onstaff officers and submitted to the comanoverlay issued as an annex to the operationmander for approval before issue.order. Regardless of which type operation orderAnnexes are lettered alphabetically inis used, the techniques of preparation of thethe sequence in which they are menwrittenpart of the order and the overlay parttioned in the basic order, for example,are similar. Annex A, "Intelligence," or Annex B,c. Military symbols are used on overlays to "Operation Overlay." The operationsportray information and instructions graph- officer, who is responsible for theically. To prevent the overlay from becomingpreparation of the operation order,cluttered with details, it should contain only thewill assign letters to the annexes ofgraphic information necessary for a clearan operation order. Headings and endunderstandingof the order.ings of annexes are similar to those ofthe basic operation order. The title of7. Annexes and Appendixes to the annex identifies it with the basicOperation Ordersoperation order, such as "Annex Ba. Annexes. Material of a plan or order may (Operation Overlay) to OperationAGO 9139A 265

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