1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMment, except medical, in a manner not to com- 148. Logistical Support in the Retirementpromise the plan of withdrawal. Medical sup- The logistical support of units conducting plies and equipment are not intentionallyThe logistical support of units conducting aplies and equipment are not intentionally retirement is as discussed for a unit conductingdestroyed (FM 27-10).march (app. VI).a march (app. VI).Section VIII. SUPPLY149. General based on estimated strength figures provideda. In the division, supplies are distributed by the adjutant general, 72 hours before theto battalion/squadron and separate companies time rations are to be delivered. Upon receiptusing a combination of supply point and unitrations are broken down into battalion/squad-distribution, distribution. The division support command ron and separate unit lots based on personneldelivers all classes of supply, except class V,down to the brigade trains and, whenever posrapidlyrapidlychangingchangingsituations,stuatonsititmaymaybebeneces-necessible, directly to the using unit. Supplies de- sary for units to submit an informal requestlivered to the divisionlivered to bybythe directdirectdivision andandgeneralgeneralfor the number of rations required to the sup-support units are delivered directly to the us- ply and transport battalion. When a unit requiresa specific type ration, it notifies the supingunits without transloading whenever possible.See FM 10-50 and FM 54-2 for a discus- ply and transport battalion in advancesion of division supply procedures.c. Distribution.b. In battalion/squadrons, all supplies are (1) In the division, battalions/squadronsdelivered directly to the companies/troops.and separate units use organic transportationto pick up rations at the divic.The prescribed loads of fuel, lubricants, sion class I distributing point in theand repair parts carried by armor units aredivision support area or at the diviestablishedby the field army commander. Basicsion forward distributing point in theloads of ammunition are established by the De-brigade trains area. Rations are thenpartment of the <strong>Army</strong>.broken down into company-size lotsd. A request or requisition may be a com- and delivered to the kitchens.plete, written, formal requisition on a specified (2) Mess personnel prepare rations in theform, an informal request in the message form,trains area or on the move to serveor an oral request. Although the terms are usedhot meals whenever possible.interchangeably, each constitutes a demand ona supply activity for supplies or equipment. 151. Class IIThroughout this section, the term requisition a. Definition. Class II supplies consist ofgenerally refers to the written formal requisi- suppliessuppliesandandequipmentequipmentforforwhichwhichallowancestion.allowancesare prescribed by such documents as tables of150. Class I organization and equipment (TOE), tables ofallowances (TA), prescribed load lists (PLL),a. Definition. Class I supplies are items con- or special lists or letters. Examples are clothsumedat a uniform and predictable rate, ir- ing, weapons, vehicles, and repair parts.respective of combat or terrain conditions, and b. Requests and Requisitions. <strong>Armor</strong> unitsrequire no adaptation to individual require- normally enter combat with all authorized classments. Class I supplies consist primarily of II items. When a class II item is lost, derations.Post exchange supplies issued on a stroyed, or worn out, the unit commander regratuitousbasis are also included in class I. quests a replacement through the S4 or hisb. Requests and Requisitions. In the divi- representative by message. The supply sectionsion, a formal requisition for class I supplies is of the battalion/squadron support platoon connotrequired. The division supply and trans- solidates class II requests for all units of aport battalion requests rations for the division, battalion/squadron and forwards the consoli-AGO 91S9A 73

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