1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM8. Yield Estimation (3) Flash-to-bang time and cloud-bottoma. If any of the following combinations of angle.burst measurements are known, a nuclear yield b. Values of any of the measurements (acan be estimated.above) can be indexed on the M4 nuclear yield(1) Flash-to-bang time and width of fire- calculator and a corresponding weapon yieldball.determined. In the absence of the M4 calcu-(2) Flash-to-bang time and cloud-top lator the yield can be determin'ed by usingangle. nomograms contained in TM 3-210.Section III. CHEMICAL AND RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING AND SURVEY9. General e. Survey Party. A survey party normallya. The armor unit is one of the principalconsists of a monitor and an assistant. Theagencies that will conduct chemical and radio- survey party may be mounted in a groair vehicle, or dismounted as required by thelogical monitoring and survey. The air monitor-tamination.The assistant may driveing and survey missions will be performedthe vehicle, fly the air vehicle, and.operate theprimarily by the air cavalry troop. This sec- radio. A ground survey party may be augtiondiscusses the conduct of these operations mented by additional persons for security oringeneral terms, as applicable to armor units,and explains the terminology used to describemonitoring and survey.f. Control Party. A control party is a groupofindividuals that coordinates the efforts of twd. <strong>Armor</strong> are units trained and equipped to or more survey parties under its control andperform chemical and radiological monitoring reports radiological data to higher echelon.as a part of their routine activities. Surveymissions will be assigned to these units. 8tarmi Air g. Survey Team. A survey' consists ofvehicles of the air cavalry troop perform a control party and two or more survey parties.monitoring and survey operations and shouldbe used to facilitate the accomplishment of sur- 11. Monitoring <strong>Operations</strong>vey missions.a. Chemical and radiological monitoring isc. For additional information concerning a command responsibility performed by armorchemical and radiological monitoring and sur- units. It is a protective measure to detect andvey operations, see FM 3-12 and FM 21-40. warn all personnel of the pregence of chemicalor radioactive contamination.10. Definitions b. All armor and air cavalry units area. Radiological Monitoring. Actions taken equipped with radiac instruments and chemicalagent detection and identification equipment toto detect the presence and measure the intensity agent detection and identification equipment toof radiation by use of radiac instruments. perform radiological and chemical monitoring.A monitor and assistant monitor should be'b. Radiological Survey. A systematic search trained to operate the equipment.to determine the location,in locations specificextent,orandthroughoutdose ratec. Monitoring activities may be conducted onanof radiation in specific locations orthroughout a periodic or continuous basis using the groundan area.or air method. While a unit is moving, it isc. Chemical Monitoring. Actions taken to de- advisable for designated persons to performtect the presence, and give warning of toxic continuous monitoring to prevent movementagents by use of detection paper, detection into an area of dangerous contamination withcrayon,or alarm devices.out warning. When the unit has occupied ad. Chemical Survey. A systematic search to position or an area, periodic monitoring maydetermine the location, extent, and agent con- suffice.tamination in specific locations or throughout d. The objective of monitoring is to deanarea, with the chemical agent detector kit. termine the presence or absence of significantAGO 9139A 359

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