1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COM(11) Targets of opportunity. Targets on by the platoon leaders, the companywhich fires are not prearranged.commander and the artillery for-(12) Final protective fires. Final protective ward observer formulate a plan offires are planned defensive fires de- fire support. They select targetssigned to break up an enemy assault.that must be engaged to support theSuch fires normally consist of auto- operation and decide the bestmatic weapons firing on a final protec-method of attacking them. Targetstive line, coordinated with mortar andsuitable for attack by the company'sartillery barrages. Tanks fire at tar-organic weapons are assigned togets of opportunity.those weapons so far as their capabilitiesand available ammunitionc. Fire planning and fire support coordina- permit. In addition, the companytion are accomplished at all combat echelons. Atcommander and artillery forwardbrigade level and below, fire planning and fireobservers prepare a fire plan to supsupportcoordination functions are carried outport the company's scheme of mainformally.Each supported unit commander neuver Included in this plan arehas an artillery officer available to act as his firethe targets not susceptible to profitsupportcoordinator and who will assist in plan-able attack by organic weapons.ning fire support.This fire plan is normally only a(1) Company (team). Normally a forward target list showing location and deobserverfrom the direct support artil-scription of targets. This plan orlery battalion and the battalion target list is sent to battalion headmortar/DCplatoon will operate withquarters where the artillery liaisoneach tank company. They are the officer incorporates it into the batprincipalassistants to the commandertalion fire plan.on matters of fire support. The com-(b) During the conduct of the operation,pany commander and the platoonrequests for artillery and mortarleaders should solicit the forward ob-fires are processed through the artilservers'advice as to how the support-lery and mortar forward observersing artillery can best help the com- respectively. They transmit thesepany in any particular situation. Therequests to the supporting fire dicommanderis responsible for provid-rection center and adjust fire uponing an armor protected vehicle withthe designated target. The forwardcommunication facilities to the for-observers may call for fire on theirward observers when required. Radioown initiative on targets that affectis the primary means of communica-the actions of the company. Theytion for requesting and controlling firelocate themselves where they cansupport.best observe and adjust fire in sup-(a) In the initial planning phase of anport of the company. They mustoperation, the company commandermaintain communication with bothmust discuss the company's missionthe supported company and the supandhis concept of operation withporting fire direction center. Whenthe platoon leaders and the forwardthe company commander desiresobservers. The platoon leaders in supporting fire, he will normally replanningthe employment of theirquest the fire through the forwardplatoon may submit requirements orobservers who will transmit the rerecommendationsfor supporting quest direct to the supporting firefires to either the company com-direction center. If the companymander or the forward observers.commander cannot contact the for-Based on the commander's conceptward observers, he may send his reofthe operation, his plan of fire sup-quest to the battalion fire supportport, and requirements submittedcoordinator (FSCOORD) by usingAGO 9139A 143

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