1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMfluenced by time and space factors and current (3) Augmentation of the brigade staff toactivities of the unit. Many actions may bepermit both staffs some rest.initiated with a task organization that is less (4) Use as a control headquarters for rearthan ideal in the interest of timeliness andarea security operations and damagedtroops available.control operations.5. Use of Battalion Headquarters 6. Use of Company Headquartersa. Situations can be expected to develop that a. Situations may arise requiring a companywill require one battalion to be attached to to be attached to another company or all plaanotherbattalion or all companies of a bat- toons of a company attached to other companiestalion to be attached to other battalions, leav- leaving a control headquarters without subinga control headquarters without subordinate ordinate elements. Either situation is undesirelements.Either situation is undesirable and able and should be avoided if possible.should be avoided if possible.b. When it is necessary to attach a companyb. When a battalion is attached to another, to another, the company attached becomes subthebattalion attached becomes subordinate to ordinate to the company to which attached.the battalion to which attached. Missions for Apptopriate missions for the company headthebattalion attached could include functioning quarters in this status are toasthe reserve, functioning as one of several at- (1) Assist in planning.tacking elements, or assuming responsibility (2) Supervise organic or attached fire supfora part of the sector of defense of the bat-port elements.talion to which attached.(3) Supervise the logistical effort.c. Missions for a battalion headquarters c. Missions appropriate for a company headwithoutsubordinate elements created as a quarters without subordinate elements createdresult of brigades attaching all of the com- as a result of battalion task force's attachingpanies to other battalion task forces could all of the platoons to other companies mayinclude-include-(1) Use as an alternate brigade command (1) To assist in planning or reconnaispost.sance.(2) Use as a planning group for future (2) To assist the battalion staff in theoperations, or for developing counter-technical aspects of the employmentattack plans in the defense.of the attached platoons.318 AGO 9139A

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