1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books

1963 US Army Vietnam War Armor Operations ... - Survival Books


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WWW.SURVIVALEBOOKS.COMf. Orders for Attack on Fortifications. Or- bardment of the fortifications is also desirable.ders for an attack on a fortified position nor- While the artillery is firing, routes are clearedmally are issued in great detail. The attack on of antipersonnel mines by use of grapnels oreach bunker and defensive work is planned in- other means. Demolition snakes may be useddividually and is coordinated with attacks on to clear antitank mines. When paths have beenadjacent fortifications. The order includes de- cleared, the assault teams move forward astailed instructions to each assault team, includ- rapidly as possible (fig. 31), under the cover ofing positions, routes to be followed, time to supporting fires.open fire, types of fire to be used, areas in b. The flank groups direct their fire at anywhich teams may fire, and the general conduct open emplacement on the flanks of the fortificaandaction of each team.tion. The tanks and machineguns of all groupsg. Use of Tank Dozers. In the initial phase fire at embrasures to keep them closed. If theof the attack, the tank dozer may be used to fortification is protected by wire, a pathassist in reducing obstacles. As soon as the through the wire must be made by wire-cuttingassault team closes on the fortification, the parties, by tanks, or by bangalore torpedoes.tank dozers are moved forward to be available If possible, the assault group advances overto cover the openings of the fortification with ground not covered by fire from the embradirt.This is an effective way of immobilizing sures. The tank guns cease fire on signal ofany enemy troops who refuse to surrender. the assault team commander; and the machineguns,both tank and ground, cease fire whenh. Artillery Assault Fire. When the usual masked. Fire from the antitank rockets anddirect-fire means and supporting fires cannot flamethrowers, directed against embrasures,neutralize an enemy fortification, self-propelled may be used by the assault group to assist inmedium or heavy artillery may be used in an covering the advance of a demolition party atassault fire role.close range. Upon breaching the fortification,i. Use of Nuclear Weapons. Extensively the assault group rushes the emplacement and,fortified areas present a difficultwithtarget for deers,overcomeshand grenades and portable flamethrow-struction by nuclear weapons. By careful se- ers, overcomesallallenemyenemy resistance.resistance. FlankFlank andandsupport groups move up and cover the reorlectionof weapons and height of burst, how- ganization of the team.ever, severe damage can be created to permitexploitation by armor units without causing an c. During the mopup stage, tanks are preunacceptablehazard from radioactive fallout. pared to fire on probable avenues of enemycounterattacks. Tanks that have been support-355. of the Attack of Fortifications .Conduct ing the attack by fire are moved forward toassist. Fresh teams are moved forward quicklya. The attack usually starts with intense ar- to continue the attack without delay, and thetillery fire and with the laying of a smoke process of deepening and widening the breachscreen if conditions are favorable. Air bom- is continued.Section X. OPERATIONS IN BUILT-UP AREAS356. General 357. Tactical Considerations<strong>Armor</strong> units normally bypass built-up areas Basic tactical doctrine and fundamentals forbecause combat operations are characterized operations in built-up areas are essentially theby house-to-house fighting, restricted observa- same as those prescribed in previous chapterstion and fields of fire, restricted maneuver and in FM 100-5. The nature of the environspacefor armored vehicles and extreme diffimentculty of control and coordination. As a result,reduces the speed with which armor unitscombat in such areas consists of a series of normally conduct operations. Planning mustsmall, predominantly mechanized infantry- be in great detail and troops must be briefedheavy actions (FM 31-50).carefully. The following factors must be con-AGO 9139A 179

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