GOLD Report I - UCLG

GOLD Report I - UCLG

GOLD Report I - UCLG


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329Middle East and West AsiaUnited Cities and Local Governmentshttp://www.cities-localgovernments.org/-uclg/index.asp?L=ES;United States Agency for International Development(USAID) - Latin America UnitedStates Agency for International Development(USAID) - Latin America http://-www.usaid.gov/espanol/;Zevallos V., Micro, pequeñas y medianasempresas en América Latina http://www.-cepal.org/;Zovatto, D. and Burdman, J., Balance ElectoralLatinoamericano 2003–2004, workingpaper of the Observatorio Electoral http://-www.observatorioelectoral.org/.Enactments:Saudi Arabia:• Saudi Constitution (Basic Law), 1992.• Law on the provinces (Saudi Arabia), 1March 1992.• Law on municipal elections, 2004.• Royal decree no. A/276 of 08 October1395 H 1 on the creation of the Ministryof Rural and Municipal Affairs. (SaudiArabia)Bahrain:• Bahraini Constitution, 2002.Islamic Republic of Iran:• Iranian Constitution, 1979.• Law of 25 June 1949 establishing municipalitiesand town and village councils;• Law of 2 July 1955 concerning municipalities;• Law of 5 July 1979 establishing localcouncils;• Law of 28 September 2003 amendingthe law on « les structures, les attributionset l'élection des conseils islamiquesdu pays et l’élection des maires »of 23 May 1996;• Implementing decree of 20 December1998 concerning the election of councilsin towns and small towns;• Implementing decree of 20 December1998 concerning the election of villageand district councils.Iraq:• Constitution du gouvernement intérimaireirakien, 1990;• Constitution proposée par les partisd’opposition, in Al-Mutamar no. 305 of23 May 2005, pp. 14-15. (Iraq)Jordan:• Jordanian Constitution.• Law on municipalities, 1995, and 2007.Kuwait:• Kuwaiti Constitution, 1962.1. Hegiric calendar.14 th October 1975 inthe Gregoriancalendar.

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