Deliverable 4.4 - INSEAD CALT

Deliverable 4.4 - INSEAD CALT

Deliverable 4.4 - INSEAD CALT


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AtGentive IST-4-027529-STP - Attentive Agents for Collaborative Learners12 0.111 b The Maori people give kisses with their noses (true)13 0.081 a New Zealand is connected to Australia by a tunnel (false)14 0.710 b There is almost no nature on New Zealand (false)15 0.123 a There are no whales or dolphins around New Zealand (false)16 0.125 a The Kiwi eats only kiwi (false)17 1.000 a People commemorate the execution of Jan Hus in NZ (true)a Fisher's Exact Test is quoted for this statistic as one or more expected frequencies is

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