e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

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| Financial Plan ChapterTable 15.28: Summary of the Capex ProgrammeCASHFLOWS UNESCALATEDCAPEX CATEGORY (R’000) Actual F08 Actual F09 Actual F10 Budget F11Revised ForecastF'11Total2012 - 2016ForecastF12 F13 F14 F15 F16Augmentation 77 398 136 557 273 909 350 698 224 999 1 299 985 221 054 205 719 284 459 284 077 304 676Expansion 24 467 5 582 22 500 - - - - - - -Upgrade 9 507 1 664 15 300 132 685 82 788 322 355 80 020 111 560 64 575 25 250 40 950Rehabilitation 837 17 562 593 11 610 15 252 107 443 5 683 8 120 21 640 13 000 59 000Development Projects 1 165 36 660 19 795 227 219 173 796 964 604 220 039 231 162 191 303 147 000 175 100IMMOVABLE 88 907 216 910 315 180 744 712 496 835 2 694 387 526 796 556 561 561 977 469 327 579 726Business Plan 2010/11 742 712 2 449 159 602 817 382 891 359 208 346 924 757 320% Increase / (Decrease) (33%) 10% (13%) 45% 56% 35% (23%)Equipment & Vehicles 10 690 3 817 3 960 9 320 22 312 41 253 11 473 12 040 2 610 13 930 1 200Equipment & Vehicles - <strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong> 9 804 2 985 1 617 7 750 20 742 36 890 9 890 12 000 1 000 13 000 1 000Equipment & Vehicles - Msinsi 886 832 2 343 1 570 1 570 4 363 1 583 40 1 610 930 200Information & Communication Technology 8 920 1 705 8 683 11 100 17 378 74 256 26 206 16 000 10 800 9 550 11 700Laboratory & Process Services 760 11 771 6 607 10 455 13 373 51 182 25 053 15 919 3 300 1 180 5 730MOVABLE 20 370 17 293 19 250 30 875 53 062 166 691 62 732 43 959 16 710 24 660 18 630Business Plan 2010/11 31 305 76 354 12 445 26 319 12 590 5 000 20 000% Increase / (Decrease) 70% 118% 404% 67% 33% 100% 100%TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGET 109 277 234 203 334 430 775 587 549 897 2 861 078 589 528 600 520 578 687 493 987 598 356Business Plan 2010/11 774 017 2 525 513 615 262 409 210 371 798 351 924 777 320Increase / (Decrease) (224 120) 335 565 (25 734) 191 310 206 889 142 063 (178 964)% Increase / (Decrease) (29%) 13% (4%) 47% 56% 40% (23%)CASHFLOWS ESCALATEDSUMMARY OF ESCALATED BUDGET F11Total2012 - 2016 F12 F13 F14 F15 F16Immovable Budget 496 835 3 310 925 562 618 639 591 686 518 612 895 809 303Movable Budget 53 062 195 305 66 890 50 511 20 056 31 919 25 928TOTAL CAPITAL BUDGET 549 897 3 506 230 629 508 690 102 706 574 644 814 835 232Escalation % 0% 23% 7% 15% 22% 31% 40%<strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Five-Year Business Plan| 2011/2012 to 2015/2016 Page 110

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