e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

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| <strong>Water</strong>r Conservationandd Demand ManagementChapterChapter 14.<strong>Water</strong> ConservationandManagementDemandd14. 1<strong>Water</strong>rConservationActivitiesanddDemanddManagementtProgrammesor<strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>has beenn ann advocatee of waterconservationandd water demandmanagement for manyyears, andhashada <strong>Water</strong>Conservation PolicPcy in placee sincee 1999.. Theorganisationhas developeda <strong>Water</strong>DemandManagementStrategy that providess directionn too the initiatives thatt the organisation willembark upon in thefuture in termsof promotingwatewer demandd managementpracticeswithinits region.The <strong>Water</strong>DemandManagementStrategyidentifiesthirteenwaterdemandmanagementt initiatives ( both internal and external)which havebeenprioritisedd intermss off theirpotentialeffectiveness. An internal WateWer DemDmandd ManagementCommitteee has beenformed toco-ordinatethee activitiess around thesee initiatives.The Greater Swayimanaa areawithinn the uMgungundlovu Districtt Municipalityhas beenn earmarkedby <strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong> for a pilotstudy using a new real-time computer-basedan applicationn to thee DevelopmentBank of SouthAfrica (DBSA)forr grantfunding for f thiss pilotstudy fromits <strong>Water</strong> Demand ManagementProgrammeto assistwater servicesproviderss with the implementationof approvedwaterdemand managementinitiatives. The DBSAhas subsequentlyapprovedgrant funfdingg in thee amountof US$115000 for this 1-year water demdmandd managementproject.This study will involveon-line monitoringto detectleaks and anyy irregularr flow patterns, and to thenn pro-activelyaddress thesituationwith theuMgungundlovuu District Municipality.This will w allow <strong>Umgeni</strong> WateWer theopportunitytogainfirst-handexperiencein thecapabilities of thesoftwareandd the analysiss techniquesused.These can then bee applied to the remainderof f thee organisation’s supplynetwork,andd the skillslearntcann also bemethodologyy tolocatee leakss and other sourcesofnon-revenue water.In Julyy 2010,<strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>submittedtransferredto thee various municipalitiesin the area.<strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong> will conttinue withh itss education andpublicc awareness programmesthrough theenvironmentaleducationunit targeting schoolss andencouraginglearnersandeducecatorsto visit theorganisation’s watertreatment works.The water servicee authorities withh whomm <strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>is contctractedd forr bulk potablee waterr supplyy are at variousstages regaardingthee implementation of water conservationanddemandmanagement meaasureswithintheirrespective areas.There are no knowninitiativescurrentlyunderwayy in thee uMgungundlovu, Uguand Sisonkee municipal areas. TheiLembeDistrict Municipalityy is implementing a number of o watewer demandd management initiatives within thetownof KwaDukuza(Stanger) and itestimates thatsavings fromtheseinitiativess will offset the growgwth in sales for thearea. TheMsunduziLocalMunicipalityy has recentlyy embarkedon an extensivee watewer demandd managementprogrammeconsisting of a numberof differentinitiatives. It hasinstituted an aggressivee creditt control policywhich isexpectedd to have an impact on water sales. During 201121, itis expeeected thatt its pressure reductioninitiativeinthe reticulationn systemm will contributeto reduucing water losses.Overthe pastfew years theeThekwini MetropolitanMunicipalityimplementedd a significant <strong>Water</strong>DemandManagementProgrammein order too reduce its unaccounted-for-water. in water purchasesfrom <strong>Umgeni</strong> WateWer overthee pastThe bennefits fromthis programme arestartingto be realised for themwith w a sustained reduction<strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Five-YearBusinessPlan | 2011/20122 too 2015/201677Page 7

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