e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

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For thee strategicobjective ‘excceedcustomer expectations’ targetingg theoutcome ofcustomer satisfaction:| Self-AppraisalChapterChapter 5.Self-AppraisalThe business achievementsandunder achievements as at 311 December 20100 areprovidedd below. (Alsorefer to thebaselinee informationprovidedin the organisational scorecard inn Chapter 22 of this business plan)): inrelationtoo theCustomer andad GrowthPerspectiveFor thee strategicobjective ‘excceedcustomer expectations’ targetingg theoutcome ofproductt quality (water and wastewaterr quality):•The organisationis meetmtingg statutoryy requirements for potablewatersupply.•The organisationis currently not meetingg itss permit requirements for treatedd wastewaterdischarge.The challenges that are a constrainingthee achievement off the target are:stormwater ingressinto themunicipalsewersystem, resulting in highh infloww volumes too theDarvillWastewaterTreatmentWorks,whichare difficult too manage,as well as, illegal industrial dischargesintoo the municipal sewernetwork, whicwh impact on the worrks influent quality.To mitigate this, UmgUgeni<strong>Water</strong> intendss too augment thecapacityof thee DarvDvill WastewaterTreatmentWorksforr whichh it hasbudgetedan amount of o R 1688 million too bee implemented withiwin theFive-Year infrastructureexpenditure programme.•<strong>Umgeni</strong>i <strong>Water</strong>r has met m all customerrequirementss in accordance withh supplyy agreementsin termsofwater quantity/volume demand, pressure, meteering and permissible service disruptionintervals.• Infrastructureimprovements continue to be b in linewith municipality water servsvices developmentplans.•All major customers werwre consulted andsupportedd the proposed bulksupplyy tariff.•Of significancee is thee critical intervention madde in response too the drought situationn and loww damwater levels in theSouthh Coast, for whichh the BoarBrd approved an emergencyy pipeline project.•The lowlight inn respect of thisoutcomeis still s the non-concludedbulk watewer supply agreementt withThe MsunduziLocal MunMnicipality.The municipalityy is currentlyawaiting a responsee from DWA.Forthee straategicobjectiveinfrastructuree stability:‘grow/increasee customerr base’ targetingg theoutcome of•The organisationhadd stratifieditss capital infrastructureprogrammeintoo the following major areas:Supportforr rural livelihoodss (35%); Economic growth(32%);Upgrade andd refurbishment ( 25% %).•Projectsin these portfolioswere inn various phaspses of implementation as at 311 st DeceDember2010.o Supportingrurallivelihoods:Six projectsin constructionphase;; twoprojects inn tenderphasee or entering tenderphase;; threeprojects in design phase; andd two projectsin planningphase.o Supportingeconomicgrowth:: Threee projectsin construction phase;andd threee projectsintender phase orr enteringtenderr phase.o Infrastructure upgradesandrefurbishment: Five projectsin designn phase.•The lowlight inn respect of thisoutcomeis projepect snagsattributable to variousreasons andresultinginbehind schedule implementation of infrastructure programme.For thee strategic objectivee ‘grow/increasecustomer base’ targetingg theoutcomee waterresources adeequacy:•Construction of the SpriSng Grove Damm (by TCTATA) iss scheduled too commencein 201121.• Investigationsof alternativesources areunderway, namely,, the desalinationinvestigationwitheThekwini,as well as, the Darvill wastewater reclamationn investigation.•Modelling work assessing the impactss off climate changeon water resources hasbeen undertaken.<strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong> Five-YearBusinessPlan | 2011/20122 too 2015/201623Page 2

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