e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

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Chapter| Analysiss off RiskssFiguFure 21.1: <strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>’s strategic risksperr strategicperspectiveInfrastructurestability tomeetdemandtimeouslySustainable tariffCustomer andaGrowthCatastrophic failureePotable water andof strategicfinal effluent qualityinfrastructureFinancialCredit risk concentrationStakeholderrelationsLiquidityriskkDevelopmental andEnvironmentalHealth, safety andenvironment<strong>Water</strong> resources availabilityincluding climatechangeServitudeencroachmentFrauFd riskOrganisationalLearningandGrowthLegal andIntegratedSkills availabilityregulatorybusinessand attractioncompliancecontinuityplanInformation andcommunicationstechnologygovernance21.2Assessment ofthe Major RisksTable 21.1:: <strong>Umgeni</strong> Watter’ss top 5 risks:# Risk and Riskk OwnerrOverall ControlStrength (OCS)Current Residual Risk Rating(CRRR)Risk Gap G (RG)1 FraudRiskOCS:(50%) SatisfactoryyRisk Owner: ChiefCRRR: R 175,000,0000 MajorrExecutiveRG: R70,0R000, 0000 ModerateRejectedby management &actionn to be taken within the2011/20122 business plann periodMitigation ApproachFollowingg a benchmarkexercise a framfmeworkfor fraudmanagement has been endorsed by b the AuditCommittee.The Fraudd Prevention policyy is to be submittedtoo theeBoardforr approval and thecurrentfraud prevention planistoo be reviewed thereafter. Thee fraud hotline is operationaland ismanagedby externall servicee providers & wherewerequestedd Internal Auditt undertakes add hoc investigations.2<strong>Water</strong>resourcesavailability includinggclimate changeRisk Owner: GeneralManager Engineeringg& Scienntific ServicesOCS:(26%) WeakCRRR: R 51,.800,,0000 ModerateRG: R16,8R800, ,0000 MinorRejectedby management &actionn to be taken within the2011/20122 business plann period<strong>Umgeni</strong> WatWer constantly monitors thee availability offsurface watewr resourcesto assess adeqaquacy tosustainn theorganisation’’s bulk water business. <strong>Water</strong>conservationand demandmanagementinitiatives are pursuedtoincrease useefficiency, whilst alternative resourcee optionsincludingseawater desalinationn and wastewaterreclamation,are investigated. Research into climatechange iss undertaken too assesss impacts onn futureresourceavailability and inform adaptationstrategies.3Infrastructureestability tomeetdemand timeouslyRisk Owner: GeneralManager Engineeringg& Scienntific ServicesOCS:(48%) SatisfactoryyCRRRR : R 91,000,,0000 ModerateRG: R38,5R500, 0000 MinorRejectedby management &actionn to be taken within the2011/20122 business plann period.<strong>Umgeni</strong> WatWer maintains regular liaison with <strong>Water</strong>Services Authoritiesregarding their futuree waterrequirements, and undertakes joint watersupplyinfrastructuree planning to ensure correct alignment andimplementationprogrammes.Similarliaison andinteraction iss maintained with DWAA regardingwaterPagee 150<strong>Umgeni</strong> WateWer Five-Year Business Plann | 201121/2012to 2015/2016

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