e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

e r 2 - Umgeni Water

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Chapter| Materialityy and signsnificanceframeworkChapter 17.Materialityandd siggnificanceframeworkThe framework is applied under two main categories,being quantitative andqualitative aspects.17. 1Quantitativee aspects:Materialitylevel<strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>r Management assesses thee levelof a materialityy asbeingg ½ % off <strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>’sgrosss revenue.It is recognisedthat different levelsof f materiality canbe set for different classess of transactions.<strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong> has, howwever, taken the approachof settinga moreconservativematerialitylevel thatwilll be usedfor alll classes off transactions.17.1.1.Factorss considered:•Natureof <strong>Umgeni</strong> WateWer’ss business:• Revenueforr <strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>r primarilyy comprises sales of water, feess for managementofwaterworksandd wastewaterworks.•Statutory requirementss applicable to <strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong>:• <strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong>is listedass a PFMA Scheedule 3B publpic entity.• The Board of o <strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>is requiredd too execute its mandate inn termss of thee PFMA.• <strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong>accordingly elects to t give g preference too a lowerlevel of matemerialityduee to itbeingg so closelyy governed by variousactss and the t publicaccountability responsibilityit hasto stakeholders.•The control and inherent riskss associated withh <strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>:• In assessingg thecontrol riskof <strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong>,managementconcludedd thatlevelofmateriality beinbng ½ % of gross revenue is appropriate andprudent.This assessmentt is basedonn the fact thattt a sound control environment is beingmaintained. In thisregardcognisancewas given too amongstothermatters:• Proper andappropriate governance structures areestablished which includeaBoardd ofDirectors(AccountingAuthority)), CE and Executive Management.• A Riskk Management Commmitteee with specificc risk manamagement responsibilities;• Ann auditcommittee thattt closely monmnitors the controll environmentoff <strong>Umgeni</strong><strong>Water</strong>;• The function ofinternal audit iss outsourcedd too professional independentinternal auditors; and• A three yearr Internal Audit Coverage Plan, basedd onn annual risk assessments17.1.2<strong>Umgeni</strong> Wateer General Approachh to Qualitativee AspectssMaterialityy is notconfined to t the sizeof theentityandd the elements of itsfinancialstatements.•<strong>Umgeni</strong>i <strong>Water</strong> recognises thatt misstatementss that are large either individually or in theaggregatemay affectt a “reasonable”” user’’s judgement. Further,misstatementss mayalso be material onqualitativegrounds. TheTese qualitativee groundsincludeamongstt other::• New ventures that<strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong> mayy enterinto.• Unusualtransactionsentered intoo that arenott off a repetitivenature andare disclosablepurelyy due to t the naturethereof due to knowledgee thereof affecting the decision makimng ofthe user of the financial statements.• Transactions enteredintoo that could result in reputationalriskk to <strong>Umgeni</strong> <strong>Water</strong>.• Any fraudulentor dishonestbehaviourr of an officeror staff off <strong>Umgeni</strong> Watter.• Any suspected corruption, irregularities or fraud.• Any nfringement of <strong>Umgeni</strong>i <strong>Water</strong>’s agreedperformancelevels.Pagee 132<strong>Umgeni</strong> WateWer Five-Year Business Plann | 201121/2012to 2015/2016

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