Chromosome segregation errors: a double-edged sword - TI Pharma

Chromosome segregation errors: a double-edged sword - TI Pharma

Chromosome segregation errors: a double-edged sword - TI Pharma


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5<br />

Flow Cytometry<br />

Flow cytometry samples were harvested and fixed using 70% ethanol. α-MPM2 was incubated for<br />

1 hour in PBS-2% BSA-0,1% Tween and α-Mouse Cy5 for 1 hour in PBS-0,1% Tween. Stained cells<br />

were collected in PBS containing RNAse and Propidium Iodide. Fluorescence was measured on the<br />

FACSCalibur and analyzed with Cell Quest Pro software (BD Biosciences).<br />

Immuno Blotting and antibodies<br />

Cells were lysed in Laemmli buffer. Samples were separated by SDS-page and transferred to PVDF<br />

(Immobilin FL, Millipore). The membranes were cut in half and blotted with anti-Mps1 and anti-αtubulin.<br />

The following antibodies have been used for Western Blot, Immunofluoresence and FACS<br />

analysis: Mps1 (Upstate), α-tubulin (Sigma), CREST (Cortex Biochem), MPM2 (Upstate), anti-human<br />

Alexafluor647, anti-mouse cy-5 (Jackson)<br />

Colony formation assays<br />

Cells (+/- 50.000/well) were plated on 6-wells plates (Costar). Doxycycline was added at day 0 to<br />

allow knockdown of the proteins. At day 11, plates were washed with PBS, fixed 5 minutes with 96%<br />

Methanol and stained with 0,1% crystal violet.<br />

Xenografting<br />

0,5 x 10 6 LS174T cells were injected subcutaneously on day 0. Doxycycline (1mg/ml) was added to<br />

the drinking water of the mice on indicated days until the end of the experiment. Drinking water was<br />

supplemented with 2% sucrose. Tumor growth of LS174T cells was assessed every 3 days for a period<br />

of 30 days.<br />


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