Chromosome segregation errors: a double-edged sword - TI Pharma

Chromosome segregation errors: a double-edged sword - TI Pharma

Chromosome segregation errors: a double-edged sword - TI Pharma


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DNA was separated on size at 80V in a 1% Agarose gel for 4 hours. The DNA gel was washed in<br />

denaturalizing solution (0,5 M NaOH and 1.5M NaCl) 2 times for 15’ and Southern blotting was<br />

performed for 14-16 hours using a Hybond-N+ membrane (GE healthcare) in 0,5 M NaOH and<br />

1.5M NaCl. After blotting the membrane was washed for 5’ in 40mM NaPi and subsequently crosslinked<br />

using UV irradiation. Probe labeling was performed using a standard Rediprime II Random<br />

Prime labeling system (GE healthcare) and radioactive [a-32P] dCTP after linearizing the 5’ probe.<br />

Hybridization of the membrane was performed in 0,5M NaPi, 7%SDS, 1mM EDTA pH8.0 overnight at<br />

65 °C and was washed using 40mM NaPi, 1% SDS.<br />

Generation of CiMKi mice<br />

129/Ola-derived IB10 ES embryonic stem (ES) cells were selected in medium containing<br />

puromycin and correct recombination was confirmed by PCR, Southern blots and sequencing<br />

as described above. Targeted ES clones were injected into C57BL/6 blastocysts to generate<br />

chimeric mice, which were bred with C57BL/6 females to obtain germline transmission. CiMKi<br />

mice were backcrossed six times on a C57BL/6 background. Genotypic analysis of offspring<br />

was performed using PCR and sequencing with allele-specific primers as described below.<br />

CiMKi-CreER T2 mice were obtained by crossing heterozygous CiMKi females with homozygous CreER T2<br />

males (B6.129-Gt(ROSA)26Sor tm1(Cre/ERT2)Tyj /J) 449 purchased at the Jackson laboratory (stock number<br />

008463). CiMKi/CreER T2 /LsL LacZ mice were obtained by crossing heterozygous CiMKi/CreER T2 females<br />

with homozygous LsL-LacZ males (B6.129S4-Gt(ROSA_26Sortm1Sor/J) 451 (a kind gift from Dr.Annemieke<br />

Kavelaars) originally purchased at the Jackson laboratory (stock number 003474). All animals were<br />

bred and housed at the animal facility of the Gemeenschappelijk Dieren Laboratorium (GDL), Utrecht,<br />

the Netherlands.<br />

Genotypic analysis<br />

Tails of 3-4 weeks old mice were lysed with Hotshot lysis buffer 456 and PCR was performed to<br />

determine the presence of the CiMKi allele using the following primers:<br />



DNA from CiMKi mice harboring the mutant allele will yield a band of 250bp.<br />

To determine whether mice or embryos were heterozygous or homozygous for the CiMKi allele, tail<br />

DNA was subjected to PCR and sequencing to determine the presence of one or two mutant alleles<br />

(T649A (ACA à GCA) or D637A (GAT à GCT) in exon 17) using the following primers:<br />



Sequencing: Intron16_Seq_FW#3: GGTACCTGGCCCACAACATTTGC<br />

Genotypic analysis of (CiMKi) CreER T2 and (CiMKi) CreER T2 /LsL-LacZ mice for the presence of the<br />

CreER T2 or LsL LacZ allele was performed using standard primers (sequences can be found on the<br />

Jackson laboratory website).<br />

PCR analysis of Cre-infected MEFs<br />

mRNA from MEFs subjected to Cre-infection was isolated using an RNeasy minikit (Qiagen). cDNA<br />


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