MCO P1100.73B.pdf - Marine Corps

MCO P1100.73B.pdf - Marine Corps

MCO P1100.73B.pdf - Marine Corps


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(3) If more than 1 year has elapsed from date of disenrollment,<br />

and commissioning is requested, requests will normally be disapproved.<br />

However, a request for reenrollment in the OCC/WOC Programs may be<br />

requested.<br />

2. Reapplication. Reapplication is applicable to any individual who<br />

applied, but was not selected by the CMC, for participation in a<br />

Reserve officer candidate program. Those individuals desiring reconsideration<br />

after nonselection must submit a complete New application.<br />

The OSO will indicate that it is a reapplication by inserting the word<br />

"REAPPLICATION" in the blank space directly above the individual’s name<br />

on the NAVMC 10418-1 Application for Officer Programs.<br />

2213. INTERPROGRAM TRANSFERS. The following paragraphs are only<br />

applicable to those persons who are currently members in good standing<br />

of a Reserve officer candidate program.<br />

1. A person enrolled in a Reserve officer candidate program may<br />

request transfer to any other Reserve officer candidate program,<br />

provided they are fully qualified for the program requested, per the<br />

provisions of this Manual.<br />

2. A person requesting a program transfer will forward the request and<br />

appropriate service agreements to the CMC (MRRO-2) via the appropriate<br />

OSO and district director.<br />

3. Transfer to Aviation Program. Requests for transfer to an aviation<br />

officer program must include an appropriate physical examination with<br />

cycloplegic eye examination and anthropometric data, service<br />

agreements, and the answer sheet serial number, date, and score of the<br />

Aviation Selection Test administered. An applicant approved for PLC<br />

ground who has not attended training may not request transfer to aviation<br />

until completion of the first increment of training. Once trained<br />

or fully trained, PLC’s may request transfer to aviation at any time<br />

provided the required documents are submitted with the request.<br />

4. Transfer to Law Program. Request for transfer to a law program<br />

must include copies of the appropriate service agreement along with<br />

proof of acceptance at an American Bar Association accredited law<br />

school.<br />


1. Members of officer training programs who are procured from civilian<br />

sources may be disenrolled for any of the reasons shown on the Certificate<br />

of Understanding Reason for Disenrollment (NAVMC 10418-2). Those<br />

members so disenrolled will normally receive entry level separations<br />

with an uncharacterized term of service. Discharges will only be<br />

issued to those fully trained PLC members who request disenrollment 90<br />

days or more after the start of their PLC Senior or Combined Course<br />

training. The exceptions are those members who have accepted financial<br />

assistance and/or have participated in the FIP or have obligated<br />

service remaining with the MCR. Members of the MCR will be returned to<br />

their Reserve unit to fulfill the remainder of their obligated service.<br />

2. Any member, regardless of source, may be disenrolled for cause at<br />

any time. Additionally, any member may be disenrolled at their own<br />

written request, subject to the conditions in this section and the<br />

following restriction: once a member has reported for training, they<br />

will not be allowed to disenroll at their own request until completion<br />

of the minimum training period, as specified in the service agreement.<br />

3. In addition to the above, the following rules will apply to those<br />

members disenrolled prior to appointment to commissioned grade:<br />

a. PLC<br />

(1) Members who request disenrollment while at training will be<br />

disenrolled from active duty only after completion of minimum period of<br />

training as specified in the service agreement. Those disenrolled for<br />

cause will be released from active duty and disenrolled immediately<br />

with the exception of those receiving financial assistance, participation<br />

in flight indoctrination, or with obligated service remaining in<br />

the MCR. Disposition of PLC members who have received financial assistance<br />

is per their financial assistance agreement.<br />


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