MOPEX User's Guide - IRSA

MOPEX User's Guide - IRSA

MOPEX User's Guide - IRSA


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<strong>MOPEX</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong><br />

The gain in speed is up to 10 times that of the Default method. The price you pay is the<br />

fidelity of the interpolated images, so in gene ral these should not be use d for science.<br />

4. Cubic This method uses a bicubic interpolation. It is like the Default method except<br />

that each output pixel is a weighted sum of the 16 nearest input pixels, with the weights<br />

determined by bicubic polynomials. A tunable parameter Alpha (float) pins the weights.<br />

The default value of -0.5 should be used. Note: this method could be useful in high S/N<br />

cases because it enforces smoothness in the interpolation function, but the major<br />

drawback is significantly more noise correlation than the Default linear interpolation.<br />

Mosaic Interpolate output subdirectory: The subdirectory of that you wish<br />

to use for the output files. Default is Interp-mosaic.<br />



INTERP_METHOD = 1,<br />

FINERES = 0,<br />

DRIZ_FAC = 1,<br />

GRID_RATIO = 4,<br />

ALPHA = -0.5,<br />

&END<br />

In Global Parameters:<br />

INTERP_DIR = Interp-mosaic<br />

OUTPUT<br />

Mosaic FIF Table (mosaic_fif.tbl): The FIF table describing the final mosaic, taking into<br />

account the user-selected pixel size. Note: This file is saved in the top level Output directory.<br />

Geometry Output Table (interp_ImageList.txt.tbl): The interpolated images' offsets in x-<br />

and y-direction relative to the FIF and their sizes are specified in this file.<br />

Interp Stack (interp_*fits): The output images, interpolated, distortion-corrected, and<br />

projected onto the output FIF. A list is also made.<br />

Coverage Stack (interp_*covg.fits): The corresponding coverage maps for each output<br />

image, taking into account the bad pixels in the input. A list is also made.<br />

Mosaicking (mosaic.pl) 66<br />

Mosaic Modules

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