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ABAP Unit and Test-Driven Development

1. Set up the definition of a test class. The definition section of a class, as always,

is concerned with the “what,” as in “What should a test class do?” This is covered

in Section 3.3.1.

2. Implement a test class. Once you know what a test class is supposed to do, you

can go into the detail of how it’s achieved technically. This is covered in Section


Executable Specifications

Some people in the IT world like to call unit tests executable specifications, because they

involve the process of taking the specificat ion document, breaking it down into tests,

and then, when the program is finished, executing these tests. If they pass, then you are

proving beyond doubt that the finished prog ram agrees with the specification. If you

can’t break the specification into tests, then it means that the specification is not clear

enough to turn into a program. (Actually, mo st specifications I get fall into that category.

But to be fair to the business analysts, there is only so much that you can write on

the back of a post-it note.)

3.3.1 Defining Test Classes

There are several things you need to define in a test class, and the following subsections

will go through them one by one. Broadly, the main steps in defining

your test class are as follows:

왘 Enable testing of private methods.

왘 Establish the general settings for a test class definition.

왘 Declare data definitions.

왘 Set up unit tests.

왘 Define the actual test methods.

왘 Implement helper methods.

Start the ball rolling by creating a test class. Start with a global Z class that you have

defined, and open it in change mode via SE24 or SE80. In this global class, follow

the menu option Goto 폷 Local Definitions 폷 Implementations 폷 Local Test Class.

Enabling Testing of Private Methods

To begin with, enable testing of private methods. The initial screen shows just a

blank page with a single comment starting with use this source file. In Listing


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