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ABAP Programming for SAP HANA

age space for the indexes was almost as bi g as for the whole table itself. In addition,

the SAP Basis department had to spend a lot of time each month reorganizing

indexes that became fragmented over time.

To use an analogy, consider a book about monsters, and the chapters are organized

from least scary type of monsters to the scariest. If you know the scariness

level you desire, you can jump straight to the correct chapter. However, if you

want to know about green monsters, you either have to flick through the whole

book looking for the word “green” (a full table scan) or use the index at the back

of the book, look up the word “green” there, and then look at the pages the index

recommends. However, if suddenly you were able to read a book at 10 million

billion words per second, then you could flick through the book and find all the

green monsters in no time at all. Yo u wouldn’t need the index, so the book

wouldn’t need the index, so the book could be 5% shorter. In other words:

Removing indexes means that you need less database space.

SAP HANA can read the database table bookat such a high speed because it’s very

different from the traditional databases you’re used to, not least because it’s column

based as opposed to row based. This means that you do not need indexes at

all anymore; it’s as if you’ve manually created an index on every field, but without

any of the drawbacks just mentioned.

Of course, everything has a caveat. If you read the standard SAP documentation,

then you will see SAP hedging its bets and saying that secondary indexes are usually

not required. That was a bit wooly, so I went hunting and found this quote

from SAP expert John Appleby (for more details, see the “Recommended Reading”

box at the end of this chapter):

In certain obscure scenarios where you find a performance problem, a secondary

index can help. This is only in OLTP sc enarios, where you have complex joins and

only return a small subset of data from the table.

Ninety-nine percent of scenarios will neve r benefit from an index. They take up

space and will slow insert operations, so should be avoided.

What practical implication does this have on your actual database table design?

You will find when you create a data base table in SE11 that a new tab has

appeared: DB-Specific Properties (Figure 15.11). Here, you can see that the

default setting for the new table is for column-based storage inside the database,

as opposed to the row-based storage that was always the case in the past.


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