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ABAP Programming for SAP HANA

how ABAP can be used to work with SAP HANA to make the most out of the new

opportunities provided.

The biggest change SAP HANA brings to ABAP programming is the way that you

access data in database ta bles. SAP HANA brings the new concept of code pushdown,

which is moving business logic out of the application server into the database.

This concept scares a lot of ABAP programmers, because they fear it will

impact their jobs. Because this concept has the most significant impact on ABAP

developers, the majority of the chapter is devoted to it. Section 15.1 introduces

you to the basic concept of code pushdown. Then, Section 15.2 and Section 15.3

explains the two ways code pushdown is accomplished. The first is top-down

development (the process of creating ar tifacts in ABAP and replicating them in

SAP HANA), which is fairly clearly the approach all ABAP programmers will use

eventually when using ABAP to control what SAP HANA does. The second is bottom-up

development (the process of crea ting artifacts in SAP HANA and calling

them from ABAP), which is already being discouraged by SAP—but this chapter

will look at it anyway, because some companies are not yet on a high enough

level to do the top-down approach. The discussion of code pushdown is rounded

off in Section 15.4, which explains how to identify code that should be pushed

down to the database.

Finally, the chapter concludes with Section 15.5, which offers a discussion of a

number of other ways in which SAP HANA will affect your ABAP programming:

changes not related to the idea of code pushdown but important nonetheless.

SAP HANA Being Fast Is Not the Point

When it comes to the benefits of SAP HANA, it could be said that SAP marketing has

been prioritizing the wrong message. What yo u hear about is the fact that queries run

10,000 times faster on SAP HANA—hence th e “10,000 club” that SAP talks about in

conferences referring to companies that have such benefits. But is that what SAP HANA

is all about?

The truth is that if a report takes ages to execute, then people are used to setting up

such reports to run overnight and logging on the next morning to have a look at them.

With SAP HANA, they run in seconds, so you could run them all throughout the day if

you wanted—but are people going to do this? Is just doing the exact same thing as

before really fast actually a benefit? SAP would say there has to be some sort of behavior

change as well: companies, by which we mean the individuals in the companies, have to

take advantage of the new capabilities by actually doing something they were not doing



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