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Structure of the Book

technologies developed by SAP (e.g., SAPUI5 and SAP HANA) require the use of

ABAP in Eclipse. There are also speciali zed integration tools in Eclipse for some

topics covered in other sections of the book, such as the Business Object Processing

Framework (BOPF) and Web Dynpro AB AP (WDA). Therefore, if you really

want to be at the cutting edge, then you need to become familiar with Eclipse in

a hurry.

Chapter 2: New Language Features in ABAP 7.4

Fish is no good without chips, and ABAP in Eclipse would likewise not be much

good without ABAP. The good news, for the nervous among us, is that despite all

the horrifying new tools SAP has invented, you will still do the bulk of your programming

in ABAP. The even better news is that SAP continues to enhance the

ABAP language. Chapter 2 covers recent innovations before the 7.4 release that

do not seem to be widely used yet, an d then moves on to the radical changes in

the 7.4 release that will pr etty much allow you to write programs with half the

lines of code you needed before.

Chapter 3: ABAP Unit and Test-Driven Development

ABAP Unit has been around for a while but is not widely used. I feel that this is a

crying shame, which is why this topic is near the start of the book. The idea is that

you write your tests first before coding any actual business logic, and if followed

properly, then you can make your applications cast iron in regard to their ability

to not buckle under the constant stream of changes required.

This applies to every single other topic in this book: Everything you create needs

to be testable. (You will find that some technologies mentioned in the book, like

BOPF and BRFplus, have their own test tools attached as well, but that is just icing

on the unit testing cake. ABAP in Ecli pse also has excellent support for ABAP

Unit, for both helping you create the tests and running them.)

Chapter 4: ABAP Test Cockpit

When you follow the recommended deve lopment lifecycle of an application

(which I didn’t make up, by the way!), first you write the tests, then you write

production code until those tests pass, and then, once everything is working, you

refactor the code (i.e., make it better without changing the function).


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