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Other Modifications to ABAP for SAP HANA 15.5

All of this has three implications for what you need to do when designing ABAP


왘 First, you no longer need to add redu ndant fields to any new database tables

that you create for the sole purpose of improving performance.

왘 Next, due to the absence of such redundant storage fields, you don’t have to

spend any time considering which table to get any given piece of data from,

because it will only be in one place. For example, in th e traditional way of

doing things, you might have to query both BSID and BSAD—because you

know a database record exists in one of these tables, but not in which one.

왘 Finally, because there are fewer (hopefullyno) redundant fields in transactional

tables, you’ll need to read more master data tables to fill in the blanks with

information such as the material group for a material.

Avoiding Inefficient Retrieval of Master Data

It has always been (and still will be, in the SAP HANA world) a no-no to do an inner join

between transactional data and master data. This is because there’s no point in having

100 sales order lines all with the same material group joined with the material master;

the result would be the same for each line.

Such a query would be a lot faster with SAP HANA, but it still would not be a sensible

thing to do. Just because the extra database access time is now negligible, that’s no

excuse for abandoning common sense! (Thoug h I suspect a lot of people will do just


Secondary Indexes

In traditional SAP database tables, the primary key is often some sort of number:

sales order number, material document number, monster number, and so on. In

more modern SAP database tables (e.g., BOPF, BRFplus, etc.) the primary key is

some sort of GUID. That’s wonderful if you happen to know the sales order number

or the GUID, but more often than not you don’t. Database queries are usually

along the lines of “Give me all the sales orders for customer Joe Bloggs for May”

or “Give me all the monsters named Fred who went on a rampage in June.”

Doing a database SELECT on a field other than the primary key would have caused

a full table scan, and so you would have created secondary indexes on such fields

as customer number or monster name. This made data retrieval very fast, but the

downside was twofold: Every time a reco rd was saved, ther e was an additional

overhead of updating the index, and in some tables with lots of indexes, the stor-


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