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Troubleshooting 14.4

memory root object for read or update they have used WAIT UP TO X SECONDSand

tried again. When you start to use this pr ocess in real life, you’ll run into two


왘 No matter how many seconds you wait and no matter how many loops you do,

you cannot be sure that the build will be complete, the lock will be released, or

whatever. The only way to ensure this is an infinite loop, and that is not a viable

workaround. Pausing for 10 seconds is not much fun for the user either, especially

if he has a customer on the phone.

왘 The second and far more serious problem is that you cannot be sure where the

request will be called from. Th ere are certain places in which WAIT UP TO X

SECONDS causes a short dump; an update task springs to mind. The update task

performs a read request, which is usually harmless, and a short dump ensues.

Taking all this into consideration, when a user performs the first read request and

the instance does not yet exist, it’s better for that user to lose the battle than for

the whole system to lose the war. To make this happen, you can change the code

from Listing 14.4 to that shown in Listing 14.10.

CATCH cx_shm_no_active_version "Root class being built


"Root class is out of date

cx_shm_exclusive_lock_active "Someone trying to change data

cx_shm_change_lock_active "Someone trying to change the data

cx_shm_read_lock_active. "Amazingly, this can be an error

EXIT. "From do-end-do, we will use a real database read


Listing 14.10 Amended Read Lock Error Handling

Back in Chapter 7, you read about exce ption handling, and Listing 14.10 is an

example of a controlled panic response to an unexpected situation. You expect

the data to be in shared memory, but in the exceptional case in which it is not you

try an alternative strategy—that is, getting the data directly from the database—

and then resume where you left off.

Warning: Houston, We Have a Problem

One problem—without a solution, but worth noting: Whereas the SAP runtime system

looks after memory application for buffered tables, shared memory is on its own. If a

program calls a shared memory object and the shared memory is full, then an exception

is raised. In your own programs, you can add exception handling to prevent a short

dump, but a lot of the standard SAP programs have no such exception handling. Therefore,

if you aren’t careful, then you can start to cause standard SAP code that uses


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