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The flowchart is shown to th e business experts so that they can easily visualize

the proposed flow to make sure it’s corr ect. Usually, the an alyst also turns the

requirement into a spreadsheet, because these days many bus iness experts live

and die by spreadsheets. The result will look something like Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.4 Monster Rules Spreadsheet

The business analyst shows both the flowchart and the spreadsheet to the expert

to be sure the requirements have been captured accurately. Then, it’s time to

work out how to put these rules into SAP.

9.1.2 Rules in Customizing Tables

When SAP was invented, what set it apart from the pack (aside from it being an

integrated system, which was itself a radi cal idea) was that it was software that

could in theory be used by any industry in any country, because you could customize

it to your requirements. As you know, this is achieved by having many

thousands of customizing tables sitting inthe IMG, each one of which can be used

as is or—more likely—with company-specif ic entries added to describe the way

any given organization does things (e.g.,route determination based on order type

and material type). Even better, you can add your Z customizing tables into the

actual IMG, so you see all customizing tables (standard and customer) for one

area, like sales and distribution, in a single place.

You could attempt to replicate the monste r logic in a customizing table, which

you would design based on the spreadsheet created earlier. A possible design is

shown in Figure 9.5, with five key columns and a results column. All at once, you

can start to see possible problems.

The problem with SAP customizing tables is that they are designed such that you

really need a value for all of the keys to do a proper database read. If you want to


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