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SAP introduced ABAP Objects, the OO ve rsion of ABAP, in version 4.6, which

came out in the year 2000. After 15 years, you would expect most, if not all, ABAP

programmers to be using this style of pr ogramming. As far as I can see, nothing

could be farther from the truth. I would say that even now most new code at customer

sites (and a fair bit from SAP itself) is written in a procedural way. Some people

haven’t even started procedural programming yet and write everything in one

huge block with no subroutines. There have been huge debates on the SAP Community

Network as to whether OO programming is better than procedural. I truly

believe it is, but regardless of what I thin k, you will find that if you want to take

advantage of some of the latest advances from SAP that I describe later in this

book, then you really have no choice. If you’re new to OO, here’s a tip: The two

standout books I have read on OO programming that have actually helped me in

my day-to-day work are Clean Code and Head First Design Patterns (see the “Recommended

Reading” box at the end of this introduction). Read them!

The concept of creating antifragile prog rams was introduced by Robert Martin

(though not in those exact words), who noted how computer software tends to

rot over time: The constant changes you have to make tend to add more and more

conditional logic and the like, bloating subroutines and making the code more

and more complex until no one has any idea how to maintain it without breaking

something (i.e., it gets more brittle as time goes on). Robert Martin wants us programmers

to fight back against this sort of entropy by applying the boy scout rule,

which is “Always leave the campsite cleane r than you found it.” The idea is that

because you have to change the program anyway, make tiny changes each time to

the area you’re changing to make it clearer (i.e., rename obscure variables so you

can tell what they do, split up a huge s ubroutine into two so that it’s easier to

understand, and so on). Over time, your code base should get better instead of

slowly turning from steel to glass.

What in the world does all this have to do with the list of new goodies I’m about

to discuss? More than you might think. The traditional position has been to avoid

new tools like the plague, because they’re “risky”—that is, new. In this book, in

almost every chapter you’ll see the reverse argument popping up. I’m going to try

to show how these new tools can be used to make your programs simpler to read

or more robust: in short, more resistant to change. Why is it important to try to

shield your programs from the change s you have to make? Maybe because the

rate of change in IT has already accelerated to a breakneck speed and is only getting



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