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ALV SALV Reporting Framework

At this point, everything is complete. If you run the report and click the Make

Data Editable button, then (as Figure 10.14 shows) the grid becomes editable.

Figure 10.14 Editable SALV Grid


In fact, there should be no need for a work around like this, because since February 8,

2008, the SAP Community Network has been petitioning SAP to make CL_SALV_TABLE

editable by default, but to no avail. (I’ve proposed making February 8 International Editable

SALV Day and making a big fuss about this topic on this day each year.)

10.5 Handling Large Internal Tables with CL_SALV_GUI_


You may have presumed that ALV in all its forms, ev en new ones like SALV, is

dead in the water, that in the future all our UIs will use SAPUI5 or some such, and

that the poor old ALV will be ancient history. Although that may well be the case

a long time down the track, the fact is thatcurrently it’s likely that all your reports

will be based on ALV technology of one sort or the other and run in the SAP GUI.

In recognition of this, SAP has not stood st ill in regard to innovation in the area

of SALV and has come out with the co ncept of SALV with IDA, where “IDA”

stands for integrated data access. A new class, CL_SALV_GUI_TABLE_IDA, has been

created for the purpose of dealing with really large internal tables (more than

100,000 rows of data). Traditional prog rams get into trou ble dealing with so

much data at once. You might run out of memory, and paging down will most

probably cause a delay; even with small tables, an ALV grid sometimes goes all

white for a second as you page down.


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