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Using Floorplan Manager to Modify Existing WDA Components 12.3

that working, you can plug the BOPF object straight into FPM and have a working

application to show an object instance using the floorplan provided for that purpose.

(In fact, it’s best to keep the real model class separate from the BOPF framework,

but that’s not important here.)

You’ve created a BOPF monster object (w hich uses a separate model class), and

you can create an FPM application based upon this. There are two ways to do this:

the easy way, in which the results don’ t look so good and you cannot add your

own bells and whistles, or the almost as easy way (called an FBI view; FBI stands

for “Floorplan BOPF Integration”), which still doesn’t look all that good, but you

can add as many extra things as you feel like until the cows come home. Naturally,

the second method is best, but for the sake of completeness this chapter discusses


Earlier in this chapter it was mentione d that reusing existing WDA components

involves adding an interface to them to make them visible to the FPM, turning

those components into freestyle UIBBs. Wi th the integration of BOPF and the

FPM, you would be creating an FPM application from scratch using the other type

of UIBBs: namely, GUIBBs, which are reusable UI elements designed to give disparate

applications the same look and feel.

GUIBBs have no business logic as per the MVC pattern; a GUIBB gets its information

from a feeder class. Here the BOPF framework serves as the model, holding

the business logic, and at the other end ofthe scale the GUIBBs do view-like tasks

such as arranging data in a grid in an attractive and consistent manner. The configuration

of FPM acts as the controller, linking the business logic and the view

tasks together.

In the floorplan for displaying a single business object record, there are two

screens: an initial screen in which you enter the monster number (or, on the off

chance that you are not dealing with monsters, a sales order number or some

other such number) and a screen that shows the header record and a table of item

details. (The definition of the monster business object and the methods to get the

header and item data were set up in Chapter 8.)

Start with the initial screen. Earlier in this chapter, you looked at the Component

Configuration screen for defining FPM applications. In that screen, you can

choose New 폷 Initial Screen, and the resulting screen will look like Figure 12.39.


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