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Locating Code that Can Be Pushed Down 15.4

because the ABAP artifacts depend on th e equivalent versions of the SAP HANA

artifacts to exist in the same system (e .g., the version in the SAP HANA test box

must match the ABAP version in the SAP test box).

Because there’s no link, moving changes between development and test systems

has a fair few steps, as follows:

1. Create the SAP HANA artifacts (views and/or stored proc edures) in the SAP

HANA development system via SAP HANA Studio.

2. Create the ABAP equivalents in the SAP development system as described in

Section 15.4.1 and Section 15.4.2. These are normal repository objects and

thus will create a transport request. As you make changes to the ABAP objects,

those changes are stored in that transport request.

3. Just before you are ready to move everything to the test system—minutes

before—create a repository object in the ABAP system called an SAP HANA

transport container. During the creation process, the system will ask you what

SAP HANA artifacts you want to move. The definitions of these artifacts from

the SAP HANA system are then stored against your transport request. Because

there’s no automatic link, if you change one of your SAP HANA artifacts, then

a few minutes later the ABAP transpor t request will not know about the

change. What’s in the transport request isa snapshot of what the artifact looked

like at a given moment in time.

4. Release the ABAP transport request; off it goes to test via STMS in the normal


5. Once the transport is in test, the SAP HANA-related content must be exported

from the test ABAP system to the test SAP HANA system.

I imagine you’re reading this with horror, but if you don’t yet have an ABAP system

on 7.4 SP 5, then this is the only way you can proceed.

15.4 Locating Code that Can Be Pushed Down

Now you know how to push your code down into the database—but how do you

decide what code deserves that fate and what technique is appropriate? Fear not!

This section explains how to find custom code that needs to be pushed down and

how to work out which of the techniques you’ve read about should be used to


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