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Writing and Implementing Unit Tests 3.3

3.7, you add not only the normal definition line but also a line about FRIENDS; this

is the line that enables you to test private methods of your main class. In the following

example, the global class you will be testing is the monster simulator, and

the only way you can test its private method s is if you make it friends with the

test class.

*"* use this source file for your ABAP unit test classes


CLASS ycl_monster_simulator DEFINITION LOCAL FRIENDS lcl_test_class.

Listing 3.7 Defining a Test Class

A lot of people say that testing private classes is evil and that you should only test

the methods the outside world can see. However, over the course of time so

many bugs have been found in any method at all, be it public or private, that you

should have the option to test anything you feel like.

General Settings for a Test Class Definition

Once you have created the class, it’s time to establish the general settings for the

class, as shown in Listing 3.8.





Listing 3.8 Test Class General Settings

Take this one line at a time. In the first line, tell the system this is a test class and

thus should be invoked whenever you are in your program and take the Unit

Test option from whichever tool you are in (the menu path is subtly different

depending on which transaction you are in).

Now, you come to RISK LEVEL . For each system, you can assign the maximum

permitted risk level. Although unit tests never run in production, it is possible for

them to run in QA or development. By defining a risk level, you could, for example,

make it so that tests with a DANGEROUS risk level can’t run in QA but can run

in development. (Leaving aside that I feel unit tests should only be run in development,

how could a unit test be dangerous? I can only presume it’s dangerous if

it really does alter the state of the databaseor fire a nuclear missile. Try as I might,

I can’t think why I would want a test th at was dangerous. Tests are supposed to


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